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A small demo that implements the asset-provider in a React-Native application.

Starting the demo

Make sure that all dependencies are installed (we do assume that you already have your machine setup for React-Native development):

npm install .

In addition to the dependencies of this repository you also need to install the dependencies of the web example as we will use that web server to serve the svg bundle to the React-Native application.

cd .. && cd web && npm install .

Once all dependencies are installed we need to start the web server of the web example. So navigate back to web folder and run:

npm start

Once the application is started we can boot up our React-Native application:

react-native run-ios
react-native run-android

How is the demo setup


This is the entry point of the application and where we've implemented the asset-provider. So how is it build up?

  • The first and basically only notable change here is that we needed to install react-native-svg as a dependency of the project so we can render SVG on the devices. The rest is the same as on the web.
  • The <Provider /> and <Asset /> components are imported from the asset-provider module.
  • We create a <Provider /> component that downloads the homer, godaddy and tiger svg from the generated bundle.
  • We add <Asset>'s as child components of the <Provider> and reference the assets using the name property of the <Asset />.
  • One of the <Asset />s has a <Text> component as child node. This will be visible while we are download the asset from our server and will be replaced with the actual asset once the bundle is downloaded.


The server aspect of the example is documented at the web example.