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Job Sequence Diagrams Brainstorming ...

... the Protocol for Traversing Untrusted Networks with Broken TLS Encryption Using Hashicorp Vault. Note that a simpler way of submitting jobs to gostint can be used if you have unbroken TLS (either direct or via SNI Routing).

First thoughts on job submission protocol

  • Requestor and poster here are the same enitity.

Possible future state with Vault Cubbyhole

job two-step with intermediary

  • This two step authentication of requestor and poster allows for an intermediary api routing "middleware" - in future this will be leveraged to support the requestor posting the job details into a Vault "Cubbyhole" for gostint to pickup, thereby removing the risk of a man-in-the-middle-attack.

This diagram below includes the cubbyhole interactions: job via cubbyhole Policy notes:

  • poster must not be able to interact with cubbyholes at all.

Notes: Creating a cubbyhole for gostint to consume

$ vault login root

$ vault token create -policy=default -ttl=60m -use-limit=2
Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                552d3543-ec24-ce3b-05c8-80a0a2abc799
token_accessor       59b87aac-fc4f-04d3-aaec-2560af270e03
token_duration       1h
token_renewable      true
token_policies       ["default"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["default"]

$ VAULT_TOKEN=552d3543-ec24-ce3b-05c8-80a0a2abc799 vault write cubbyhole/test3 payload="base64 here..."
Success! Data written to: cubbyhole/test3

$ VAULT_TOKEN=552d3543-ec24-ce3b-05c8-80a0a2abc799 vault read cubbyhole/test3
Key        Value
---        -----
payload    base64 here...

$ VAULT_TOKEN=552d3543-ec24-ce3b-05c8-80a0a2abc799 vault read cubbyhole/test3
Error reading cubbyhole/test3: Error making API request.

Code: 403. Errors:

* permission denied

Options for securely passing job requests through an intermediary (aka the "poster")

(e.g. API GW/Lambda/Routing)

Assumption: all communications to/from the vault are direct using TLS. diag4 Though this approach can highlight/alert on tampering, it still doesnt protect the posted job content and the AppRole SecretID. Also it doesnt prevent the injection of malicious content (using captured SecretID) - assuming the attacker subverting the poster has sufficient vault access to create a new cubbyhole.

Next lets look at an end-2-end encryption solution for job requests through an intermediary using asymmetric encryption...

diag5 [¹] e2e - this can be a multi-step process leveraging the Vault's Transit secret engine (e.g. create a random key, encrypt payload using AES256GCM, then encrypt the key using RSA2048 with gostint's RSA public key), or possibly use my PoC vault-e2e-plugin for Vault.

[²] Secret Refs could have already been resolved by the vault-e2e-plugin, if used - this could reduce the number of requests to the vault over the network.

[³] Results passing through the intermediary poster could again be intercepted. If required, we could again use e2e/transit encryption, but this time using a requestor's own RSA key pair/transit keyring.

This solution gives us the best of both worlds, namely end-to-end encryption AND tamper / interception detection during transit through the intermediary poster / routing.

Repeat of the above diagram but this time based on new understanding of the transit secret engine.

(This approach was used as the guide for the current release of GoStint)

job via intermediary

Copyright 2018-2019 Graham Lee Bevan [email protected]

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.