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Releases: gohugoio/hugo


16 Jun 08:14
@bep bep
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Hugo 0.23 is mainly a release that handles all the small changes needed to get Hugo moved to a GitHub organisation: gohugoio, but it also contains a couple of important fixes that makes this an update worth-while for all.

Hugo now has:


GitHub organisation related changes

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13 Jun 12:43
@bep bep
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Hugo 0.22.1 fixes a couple of issues reported after the 0.22 release Monday. Most importantly a fix for detecting regular subfolders below the root-sections.

Also, we forgot to adapt the permalink settings with support for nested sections, which made that feature less useful than it could be.

With this release you can configure permalinks with sections like this:

First level only:

blog = ":section/:title"

Nested (all levels):

blog = ":sections/:title"


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12 Jun 07:15
@bep bep
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Hugo 0.22 brings nested sections, by popular demand and a long sought after feature (#465). We are still low on documentation for this great feature, but @bep has been kind enough to accompany his implementation with a demo site.

This release represents 58 contributions by 10 contributors to the main Hugo code base. Since last release Hugo has gained 420 stars and 2 additional themes.

@bep still leads the Hugo development with his witty Norwegian humor, and once again contributed a significant amount of additions. But also a big shoutout to @bogem, @moorereason, and @onedrawingperday for their ongoing contributions. And as always big thanks to @digitalcraftsman for his relentless work on keeping the documentation and the themes site in pristine condition.

Hugo now has:

Other Highlights

.Site.GetPage can now also be used to get regular pages (#2844):

{{ (.Site.GetPage "page" "blog" "" ).Title }}

Also, considerable work has been put into writing automated benchmark tests for the site builds, and we're happy to report that although this release comes with fundamental structural changes, this version is -- in general -- even faster than the previous. It’s quite a challenge to consistently add significant new functionality and simultaneously maintain the stellar performance Hugo is famous for.


.Site.Sections is replaced. We have reworked how sections work in Hugo, they can now be nested and are no longer taxonomies. If you use the old collection, you should get detailed upgrade instructions in the log when you run hugo. For more information, see this demo site.









  • Improve live-reload on directory structure changes making removal of directories or pasting new content directories into  /content just work fe901b81 @bep #3570
  • Respect disableKinds=["sitemap"] 69d92dc4 @bep #3544
  • Fix disablePathToLower regression 5be04486 @bep #3374
  • Fix ref/relref issue with duplicate base filenames 612f6e3a @bep #2507


Automated with @goreleaser
Built with go version go1.8.3 darwin/amd64


22 May 13:25
@bep bep
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Hugo 0.21 brings full support for shortcodes per Output Format (#3220), the last vital piece of that puzzle. This is especially useful for Google AMP with its many custom media tags.

This release represents 126 contributions by 29 contributors to the main Hugo code base. Since last main release Hugo has gained 850 stars and 7 additional themes.

Hugo now has:

@bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @moorereason, @bogem, and @munnerz for their ongoing contributions. And as always a big thanks to @digitalcraftsman for his relentless work on keeping the documentation and the themes site in pristine condition.

Other Highlights

On a more technical side, @moorereason and @bep have introduced namespaces for Hugo's many template funcs (#3042 ). There are so many now, and adding more into that big pile would be a sure path toward losing control. Now they are nicely categorised into namespaces with its own tests and examples, with an API that the documentation site can use to make sure it is correct and up-to-date.


  • The deprecated .Extension, .Now and .TargetPath will now ERROR 544f0a63 @bep
  • The config settings and flags disable404, disableRSS, disableSitemap, disableRobotsTXT are now deprecated. Use disableKinds. 5794a265 @bep #3345




  • Refactor site rendering with an "output format context". In this release, this is used for shortcode handling only, but this paves the way for future niceness 1e4d082c @bep #3397 2bcbf104 @bep #3220









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03 May 07:49
@bep bep
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This just fixes an issue with the release scripts, no change in the binaries.

Hugo now has:


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Built with go version go1.8.1 darwin/amd64


27 Apr 18:52
@bep bep
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There have been some shouting on about some broken sites after the release of Hugo 0.20. This release reintroduces the old behaviour, making /my-blog-post/ work as expected.

Hugo now has:


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25 Apr 07:27
@bep bep
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This is a bug-fix release which fixes the version number of 0.20.4 (which wrongly shows up as 0.21-DEV) (#3388).

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24 Apr 19:22
@bep bep
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This is the second bug-fix release of the day, fixing a couple of issues related to the new release scripts.

Hugo now has:


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Built with go version go1.8.1 darwin/amd64


24 Apr 11:39
@bep bep
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This is a bug-fix release with one important fix. But it also adds some harness around GoReleaser to automate the Hugo release process. Big thanks to @caarlos0 for great and super-fast support fixing issues along the way.

Hugo now has:



Automated with @goreleaser
Built with go version go1.8.1 linux/amd64


16 Apr 11:24
@bep bep
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0.20.2 April 16th 2017

Hugo 0.20.2 adds support for plain text partials included into HTML templates. This was a side-effect of the big new Custom Output Format feature in 0.20, and while the change was intentional and there was an ongoing discussion about fixing it in #3273, it did break some themes. There were valid workarounds for these themes, but we might as well get it right.

The most obvious use case for this is inline CSS styles, which you now can do without having to name your partials with a html suffix.

A simple example:

In layouts/partials/mystyles.css:

body {
	background-color: {{ .Param "colors.main" }}

Then in config.toml (note that by using the .Param lookup func, we can override the color in a page’s front matter if we want):

main = "green"
text = "blue"

And then in layouts/partials/head.html (or the partial used to include the head section into your layout):

    <style type="text/css">
    {{ partial "mystyles.css" . | safeCSS }}

Of course, 0.20 also made it super-easy to create external CSS stylesheets based on your site and page configuration. A simple example:

Add “CSS” to your home page’s outputs list, create the template /layouts/index.css using Go template syntax for the dynamic parts, and then include it into your HTML template with:

{{ with  .OutputFormats.Get "css" }}
<link rel="{{ .Rel }}" type="{{ .MediaType.Type }}" href="{{ .Permalink |  safeURL }}">
{{ end }}`