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160 lines (144 loc) · 9.83 KB

File metadata and controls

160 lines (144 loc) · 9.83 KB

Run FASTQC on a list of BAM or FASTQ files

(1) Create the Docker image.

git clone
cd pipelines-api-examples/fastqc/
docker build -t ${USER}/fastqc .

(2) Test locally the Docker image used by the pipeline.


The result should be the newly created .html and .zip file in a subdirectory on your local machine:

Copying test file NA06986.chromMT.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exon_targetted.20100311.bam to <snip>/pipelines-api-examples/src/test_mnt
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 26534  100 26534    0     0   6983      0  0:00:03  0:00:03 --:--:--  6982

Running fastqc index via docker
Started analysis of NA06986.chromMT.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exon_targetted.20100311.bam
Analysis complete for NA06986.chromMT.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exon_targetted.20100311.bam

Execution completed

Scratch directory:

(3) Push the Docker image to a repository.

In this example, we push the container to Google Container Registry via the following commands:

docker tag ${USER}/fastqc
gcloud docker -- push

(4) Run the Docker image in the cloud

PYTHONPATH=.. python cloud/ \
  --project YOUR-PROJECT-ID \
  --zones "us-*" \
  --disk-size 100 \
  --input \
    gs://genomics-public-data/ \
    gs://genomics-public-data/ \
  --output gs://YOUR-BUCKET/pipelines-api-examples/fastqc/output \
  --logging gs://YOUR-BUCKET/pipelines-api-examples/fastqc/logging \
  --poll-interval 20
  • Replace YOUR-PROJECT-ID with your project ID.
  • Replace YOUR-BUCKET with a bucket in your project.

The PYTHONPATH must include the top-level directory of the pipelines-api-examples in order to pick up modules in the pipelines_pylib directory.

The output will be the JSON description of the operation, followed by periodic messages for polling. When the operation completes, the full operation will be emitted.

{ u'done': False,
  u'metadata': { u'@type': u'',
                 u'clientId': u'',
                 u'createTime': u'2016-03-10T02:01:42.000Z',
                 u'events': [],
                 u'projectId': u'YOUR-PROJECT-ID'},
  u'name': u'operations/YOUR-NEW-OPERATION-ID'}

Polling for completion of operation
Operation not complete. Sleeping 20 seconds
Operation not complete. Sleeping 20 seconds
Operation not complete. Sleeping 20 seconds

Operation complete

{ u'done': True,
  u'metadata': { u'@type': u'',
                 u'clientId': u'',
                 u'createTime': u'2016-03-10T02:01:42.000Z',
                 u'endTime': u'2016-03-10T02:04:52.000Z',
                 u'events': [ { u'description': u'start(g1-small)',
                                u'startTime': u'2016-03-10T02:03:01.000Z'},
                              { u'description': u'pulling-image',
                                u'startTime': u'2016-03-10T02:03:11.000Z'},
                              { u'description': u'localizing-files',
                                u'startTime': u'2016-03-10T02:03:50.000Z'},
                              { u'description': u'running-docker',
                                u'startTime': u'2016-03-10T02:04:07.000Z'},
                              { u'description': u'delocalizing-files',
                                u'startTime': u'2016-03-10T02:04:29.000Z'},
                              { u'description': u'ok',
                                u'startTime': u'2016-03-10T02:04:43.000Z'}],
                 u'projectId': u'YOUR-PROJECT-ID',
                 u'request': { u'@type': u'',
                               u'ephemeralPipeline': { u'description': u'Run "FastQC" on one or more files',
                                                       u'docker': { u'cmd': u'mkdir /mnt/data/output && fastqc /mnt/data/input/* --outdir=/mnt/data/output/',
                                                                    u'imageName': u''},
                                                       u'name': u'fastqc',
                                                       u'parameters': [ { u'description': u'Cloud Storage path to an input file',
                                                                          u'name': u'inputFile0'},
                                                                        { u'description': u'Cloud Storage path to an input file',
                                                                          u'name': u'inputFile1'},
                                                                        { u'description': u'Cloud Storage path for where to FastQC output',
                                                                          u'name': u'outputPath'}],
                                                       u'projectId': u'YOUR-PROJECT-ID',
                                                       u'resources': { u'disks': [ { u'autoDelete': True,
                                                                                     u'name': u'datadisk',
                                                                                     u'sizeGb': 500,
                                                                                     u'type': u'PERSISTENT_HDD'}],
                                                                       u'minimumCpuCores': 1,
                                                                       u'minimumRamGb': 3.75}},
                               u'pipelineArgs': { u'clientId': u'',
                                                  u'inputs': { u'inputFile0': u'gs://genomics-public-data/',
                                                               u'inputFile1': u'gs://genomics-public-data/'},
                                                  u'logging': { u'gcsPath': u'gs://YOUR-BUCKET/pipelines-api-examples/fastqc/logging'},
                                                  u'outputs': { u'outputPath': u'gs://YOUR-BUCKET/pipelines-api-examples/fastqc/output'},
                                                  u'projectId': u'YOUR-PROJECT-ID',
                                                  u'resources': { u'disks': [ { u'autoDelete': False,
                                                                                u'mountPoint': u'',
                                                                                u'name': u'datadisk',
                                                                                u'readOnly': False,
                                                                                u'sizeGb': 100,
                                                                                u'source': u'',
                                                                                u'type': u'PERSISTENT_HDD'}],
                                                                  u'minimumCpuCores': 0,
                                                                  u'minimumRamGb': 1,
                                                                  u'preemptible': False,
                                                                  u'zones': [ u'us-central1-a',
                                                  u'serviceAccount': { u'email': u'default',
                                                                       u'scopes': [ u'',
                 u'startTime': u'2016-03-10T02:02:09.000Z'},
  u'name': u'operations/YOUR-NEW-OPERATION-ID'}

(5) Check the results

Check the operation output for a top-level errors field. If none, then the operation should have finished successfully.

$ gsutil ls gs://YOUR-BUCKET/pipelines-api-examples/fastqc/output