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Welcome to cdk-gitlab-runner

This repository template helps you create gitlab runner on your aws account via AWS CDK one line.


Default will help you generate below services:

  • VPC
    • Public Subnet (2)
  • EC2 (1 T3.micro)

Before start you need gitlab runner token in your gitlab project or gitlab group

In Group

Group > Settings > CI/CD group

In Group

Project > Settings > CI/CD > Runners project


Replace your gitlab runner token in $GITLABTOKEN

Instance Type

import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

// If want change instance type to t3.large .
new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'runner-instance', { gitlabtoken: '$GITLABTOKEN', ec2type:'t3.large' });
// OR
// Just create a gitlab runner , by default instance type is t3.micro .
import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'runner-instance', { gitlabtoken: '$GITLABTOKEN' });})

Gitlab Server Customize Url .

If you want change what you want tag name .

// If you want change  what  your self Gitlab Server Url .
import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'runner-instance-change-tag', {
  gitlabtoken: '$GITLABTOKEN',
  gitlaburl: '',


If you want change what you want tag name .

// If you want change  what  you want tag name .
import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'runner-instance-change-tag', {
  gitlabtoken: '$GITLABTOKEN',
  tags: ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'],

IAM Policy

If you want add runner other IAM Policy like s3-readonly-access.

// If you want add runner other IAM Policy like s3-readonly-access.
import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';
import { ManagedPolicy } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';

const runner = new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'runner-instance-add-policy', {
  gitlabtoken: '$GITLABTOKEN',
  tags: ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'],

Security Group

If you want add runner other SG Ingress .

// If you want add runner other SG Ingress .
import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';
import { Port, Peer } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';

const runner = new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'runner-add-SG-ingress', {
  gitlabtoken: 'GITLABTOKEN',
  tags: ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'],

// you can add ingress in your runner SG .

Use self VPC

2020/06/27 , you can use your self exist VPC or new VPC , but please check your vpc public Subnet Auto-assign public IPv4 address must be Yes ,or vpc private Subnet route table associated nat gateway .

import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';
import { Port, Peer, Vpc, SubnetType } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';
import { ManagedPolicy } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';

const newvpc = new Vpc(stack, 'VPC', {
  cidr: '',
  maxAzs: 2,
  subnetConfiguration: [
      cidrMask: 26,
      name: 'RunnerVPC',
      subnetType: SubnetType.PUBLIC,
  natGateways: 0,

const runner = new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'testing', {
  gitlabtoken: '$GITLABTOKEN',
  ec2type: 't3.small',
  selfvpc: newvpc,

Use your self exist role

2020/06/27 , you can use your self exist role assign to runner

import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';
import { Port, Peer } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';
import { ManagedPolicy, Role, ServicePrincipal } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';

const role = new Role(this, 'runner-role', {
  assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal(''),
  description: 'For Gitlab EC2 Runner Test Role',
  roleName: 'TestRole',

const runner = new GitlabContainerRunner(stack, 'testing', {
  gitlabtoken: '$GITLAB_TOKEN',
  ec2iamrole: role,

Custom Gitlab Runner EBS szie

2020/08/22 , you can change you want ebs size.

import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

new GitlabContainerRunner(stack, 'testing', {
  gitlabtoken: '$GITLAB_TOKEN',
  ebsSize: 50,

Support Spotfleet Gitlab Runner

2020/08/27 , you can use spotfleet instance be your gitlab runner, after create spotfleet instance will auto output instance id .thank @pahud again ~~~

import { GitlabContainerRunner, BlockDuration } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

const runner = new GitlabContainerRunner(stack, 'testing', {
  gitlabtoken: 'GITLAB_TOKEN',
  ec2type: 't3.large',
  blockDuration: BlockDuration.ONE_HOUR,
  spotFleet: true,
// configure the expiration after 1 hours

2020/11/19, you setting job runtime bind host volumes. see more

import { GitlabContainerRunner, BlockDuration } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

const runner = new GitlabContainerRunner(stack, 'testing', {
  gitlabtoken: 'GITLAB_TOKEN',
  ec2type: 't3.large',
  dockerVolumes: [
      hostPath: '/tmp/cahce',
      containerPath: '/tmp/cahce',

2020/11/19, support runner auto unregister runner when cdk app destroy.



About change instance type

This is before ( included )

import { InstanceType, InstanceClass, InstanceSize } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';
import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

// If want change instance type to t3.large .
new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'runner-instance', {
  gitlabtoken: '$GITLABTOKEN',
  ec2type: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.T3, InstanceSize.LARGE),

This is

import { GitlabContainerRunner } from 'cdk-gitlab-runner';

// If want change instance type to t3.large .
new GitlabContainerRunner(this, 'runner-instance', {
  gitlabtoken: '$GITLABTOKEN',
  ec2type: 't3.large',

Wait about 6 mins , If success you will see your runner in that page .


you can use tag gitlab , runner , awscdk ,

Example gitlab-ci.yaml

gitlab docs see more ...

  image: docker:18.09-dind
    - runner
    - awscdk
    - gitlab
    - docker info
    - docker info;
    - echo 'test 123';
    - echo 'hello world 1228'

If your want to debug you can go to aws console

In your runner region !!!

AWS Systems Manager > Session Manager > Start a session

system manager

click your runner and click start session

in the brower console in put bash

# become to root
sudo -i

# list runner container .
root# docker ps -a

# modify gitlab-runner/config.toml

root# cd /home/ec2-user/.gitlab-runner/ && ls

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