The most common programming patterns that generate indirect jump are switch-case statement and tail-optimised function call.
Modern compilers may compile a switch-case statement into
different kind of assembly pattern. For simple switch-case
statement with few cases, it is usually simpler to interpret
the switch-case as a bunch of if
When there is a lot of cases with successive case value, the compiler will generate a jump table. For example, let's assume the following C code.
switch (i) {
case 0: /* do something */ break;
case 1: /* do something */ break;
case 2: /* do something */ break;
case 3: /* do something */ break;
case 4: /* do something */ break;
case 5: /* do something */ break;
case 6: /* do something */ break;
case 7: /* do something */ break;
default: /* do something */ break;
There is 8 cases and all values are successive. It may get
compiled into something that looks like the following
assembly code (i
would be in %eax
). Notice that there
is an indirect jump generated.
cmp eax,7 ; check if case is supported
ja 0x812 ; else, jump into default case
lea rbx,[0x1362 + rip] ; get address of the jump table
movsxd rax,[rbx + rax * 4] ; get jump offset from jump table
add rax,rbx ; compute final jump
jmp *rax ; jump into case
When there is a lot of case values and they are sparse, the compiler will generate, depending on optimisation, a binary search tree. They are less efficient than jump table, but require less memory. They aren't problematic because they don't generate indirect jump.
The following simple C code calls a sub-function. It will
most likely get compiled into a simple call
void bar(void);
void foo(void) {
/* stuff */
/* stuff */
If the sub-function is called at the end of the current
function, shown below, the compiler may choose to generate
a direct jmp
void bar(void);
void foo(void) {
/* stuff */
The compiler is allowed to do so, because the current function is done using the current function frame and it may be reused by sub-function. This is called tail-call optimisation and it is very helpful for recursive functions. It may allow them to never run out of stack.
The problem comes when the direct function call is replaced by an indirect function call, as shown below.
void foo(void (*bar)(void)) {
/* stuff */
With no optimisation, the compiler will generate an indirect
. With optimisation, it will generate an indirect
. C++ will generate even more indirect jumps because
function are equivalent to indirect function call.
Currently, this library does not resolve indirect jump from tail-call optimised indirect call.