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Razel scripts

These are a crude collection of functions to help generate BUILD files for R packages, and WORKSPACE rules for external R packages. They may become part of a package in the future.

Source these scripts and then call the functions as you need. Please use with caution.


Functions in this script help generate BUILD files for your own package and for packages from external repositories like CRAN and Bioc. By default, targets are created for r_pkg and r_library rules. If the argument no_test_rules is FALSE, then targets are also made available for r_unit_test and r_pkg_test rules. If the package contains native code, then a cc_library target is also available that provides a way to depend on just the native code in the package.

For your own package, use the function buildify directly. For external packages, you will have to first create a local repository containing all the packages that you want included in your build system, and then call buildifyRepo and generateWorkspaceFile. See repo_management.R for managing a local repo of your package dependencies. Also see the repository rule r_repository_list.

#' Create a BUILD file from the package directory.
#' It checks for the DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, .Rinstignore, and .Rbuildignore files.
#' All dependencies are assumed to be external dependencies; if they are present
#' elsewhere you must manually edit the file later.
#' This tool is not perfect; you must always examine the generated BUILD file,
#' especially the exclude section of the srcs glob.
#' @param pkg_directory Path to package on the filesystem, or in the archive.
#' @param pkg_src_archive If set, uses the relative path provided here to
#'        specify a source archive of the package.
#' @param pkg_bin_archive If set, uses the relative path provided here to
#'        specify a binary archive of the package.
#' @param repo_name_prefix Prefix to package name when constructing the bazel
#'        repository name.
#' @param no_test_rules If true, test rules are not generated.
#' @param build_file_name Name of the BUILD file in the repo.
#' @param external If true, adds a tag 'external-r-repo' to the r_pkg rule.
#' @export
buildify <- function(pkg_directory = ".",
                     pkg_src_archive = NULL, pkg_bin_archive = NULL,
                     repo_name_prefix = "R_", no_test_rules = TRUE,
                     build_file_name = "BUILD.bazel", external = TRUE) ...

#' Function to generate BUILD files for all packages in a local repo.
#' @param local_repo_dir Local copy of the repository.
#' @param build_file_format Format string for the BUILD file location with
#'        one string placeholder for package name.
#' @param repo_name_prefix Prefix to package name when constructing the bazel
#'        repository name.
#' @param overwrite Recreate the build file if it exists already.
buildifyRepo <- function(local_repo_dir, build_file_format = "BUILD.%s",
                         repo_name_prefix = "R_", overwrite = FALSE) ...

#' Generate Bazel WORKSPACE file macro.
#' Generates repository rules for the Bazel WORKSPACE file.
#' @param local_repo_dir Local copy of the repository.
#' @param package_list_csv CSV file containing package name, version, and
#'        possibly empty sha256, with header. If supplied, takes precedence
#'        over local_repo_dir. If using a non-default \code{pkg_type}, and
#'        using \code{sha256}, then at least one more column should be
#'        present with the name
#'        '{mac|win}_{r_major_version}_{r_minor_version}_sha256'.
#' @param output_file File path for generated output.
#' @param build_file_format Format string for the BUILD file location with
#'        one string placeholder for package name. Can be NULL to use
#'        auto generated BUILD file.
#' @param build_file_overrides_csv CSV file containing package name and
#'        build file path to use in the rule; no headers. If present in this
#'        table, build_file_format will be ignored.
#' @param pkg_type The type of archive to use from the repositories. See
#'        \code{install.packages}. If \code{both}, then the type of archive is
#'        chosen based on what is available in the local repo (always
#'        preferring a later version), or in the packages csv with a non-NA
#'        sha256. Platforms other than darwin are forced to have \code{source}
#'        package type. If a binary archive is being used, any build file
#'        overrides will be ignored.
#' @param sha256 If TRUE, calculate the SHA256 digest (using
#'        \code{\link[digest]{digest}}) and include it in the WORKSPACE rule.
#' @param rule_type The type of rule to use. If http_archive, then
#'        build_file_format must be provided.
#' @param repo_name_prefix Prefix to package name when constructing the bazel
#'        repository name.
#' @param remote_repos Repo URLs to use.
#' @param mirror_repo_url If not NA, will place this as the first entry in the
#'        WORKSPACE rule URLs, before the repos returned by
#'        \code{getOption("repos")}.
#' @param use_only_mirror_repo If true, will use only the provided mirror repo
#'        URL.
#' @param fail_fast If true, will fail loading the workspace if a package was
#'        not found. Otherwise, the failure will happen on first use of the
#'        package.
#' @param ... Other named arguments to supply to the repository rules.
#' @export
generateWorkspaceMacro <- function(local_repo_dir = NULL,
                                   package_list_csv = NULL,
                                   output_file = "r_repositories.bzl",
                                   build_file_format = NULL,
                                   build_file_overrides_csv = NULL,
                                   pkg_type = c("source", "both"),
                                   sha256 = TRUE,
                                   rule_type = c("r_repository", "http_archive"),
                                   repo_name_prefix = "R_",
                                   remote_repos = getOption("repos"),
                                   mirror_repo_url = NULL,
                                   use_only_mirror_repo = FALSE,
                                   fail_fast = FALSE,
                                   ...) ...


Functions in this script help manage a local repo of your package dependencies so the razel script functions can inspect the contents of the packages, and generate BUILD files for them.

You also have the option of downloading binary packages to this repo in case you want to use this local repo as a functional mirror for macOS and windows.

# Options to also download binary archives.
options("BinariesMac" = TRUE)  # Binaries for Mac
options("BinariesWin" = FALSE)  # Binaries for Win
options("RVersions" = c("3.6", "4.0", "4.1"))  # Binaries for these R versions.

#' Already downloaded source archive packages in the repo.
#' @param repo_dir Directory with the repository structure.
#' @return Data frame containing package name and version.
#' @export
repoPackages <- function(repo_dir) ...

#' Update the index of a repo after manual addition or deletion of packages.
#' @param repo_dir Directory with the repository structure.
#' @export
updateRepoIndex <- function(repo_dir) ...

#' Adds the specified packages to a repo, if not already present.
#' @param pkgs Character vector containing names of packages
#' @param versions Character vector of same length as pkgs, containing version strings for each
#'        package. A value of NA_character_ for version implies latest available package.
#' @param repo_dir Directory where the repository structure will be created.
#' @param deps The type of dependencies to traverse.
#' @return Data frame containing package name, version and sha256 of the source archive for all
#'         packages added to the repo that were not previously present.
#' @export
addPackagesToRepo <- function(pkgs, versions = NA, repo_dir,
                              deps = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")) ...

#' Writes a CSV of all packages in the repo.
#' @param repo_dir Directory with the repository structure.
#' @param output_file Output CSV file path.
#' @param sha256 If TRUE, compute sha256 of package archives.
#' @export
packageList <- function(repo_dir, output_file, sha256=TRUE) ...

#' Dumps the packages installed in this library into a repo structure.
#' @param repo_dir Directory where the repository structure will be created.
#' @param keep_versions Whether to download the same versions of packages as in this library.
#' @return Same as addPackagesToRepo.
#' @export
cloneLibraryToRepo <- function(repo_dir, keep_versions = TRUE) ...

#' Install the packages in the repo to a given library, if not already installed.
#' Replaces packages where versions are different.
#' @param repo_dir Directory with the repository structure.
#' @param lib_site Directory with the R library.
#' @export
installRepoToLibrary <- function(repo_dir, lib_site) ...