Deploy a smart contract
$ forge create --help
Usage: forge create [OPTIONS] <CONTRACT>
The contract identifier in the form `<path>:<contractname>`
--constructor-args <ARGS>...
The constructor arguments
--constructor-args-path <PATH>
The path to a file containing the constructor arguments
Verify contract after creation
Send via `eth_sendTransaction` using the `--from` argument or `$ETH_FROM` as sender
Prints the standard json compiler input if `--verify` is provided.
The standard json compiler input can be used to manually submit contract verification in the browser.
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Display options:
Print the deployment information as JSON
Cache options:
Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile
Build options:
Disable the cache
Linker options:
--libraries <LIBRARIES>
Set pre-linked libraries
Compiler options:
--ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
Ignore solc warnings by error code
Warnings will trigger a compiler error
Do not auto-detect the `solc` version
Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or `path/to/solc`.
Do not access the network.
Missing solc versions will not be installed.
Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline
Don't print anything on startup
--evm-version <VERSION>
The target EVM version
Activate the Solidity optimizer
--optimizer-runs <RUNS>
The number of optimizer runs
--extra-output <SELECTOR>...
Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
For a full description, see
--extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
Extra output to write to separate files.
Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly
Project options:
-o, --out <PATH>
The path to the contract artifacts folder
--revert-strings <REVERT>
Revert string configuration.
Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug" (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"
Generate build info files
--build-info-path <PATH>
Output path to directory that build info files will be written to
--root <PATH>
The project's root path.
By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current working directory.
-C, --contracts <PATH>
The contracts source directory
-R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
The project's remappings
--remappings-env <ENV>
The project's remappings from the environment
--cache-path <PATH>
The path to the compiler cache
--lib-paths <PATH>
The path to the library folder
Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths node_modules`.
[aliases: hh]
--config-path <FILE>
Path to the config file
Transaction options:
--gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
Gas limit for the transaction
--gas-price <PRICE>
Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
--priority-gas-price <PRICE>
Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
--value <VALUE>
Ether to send in the transaction, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit type.
Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
--nonce <NONCE>
Nonce for the transaction
Send a legacy transaction instead of an EIP1559 transaction.
This is automatically enabled for common networks without EIP1559.
Ethereum options:
-r, --rpc-url <URL>
The RPC endpoint
[env: ETH_RPC_URL=]
Use the Flashbots RPC URL with fast mode ( This shares the transaction privately with all registered builders.
--jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
JWT Secret for the RPC endpoint.
The JWT secret will be used to create a JWT for a RPC. For example, the following can be used to simulate a CL `engine_forkchoiceUpdated` call:
cast rpc --jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET> engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV2 '["0x6bb38c26db65749ab6e472080a3d20a2f35776494e72016d1e339593f21c59bc", "0x6bb38c26db65749ab6e472080a3d20a2f35776494e72016d1e339593f21c59bc",
-e, --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
-c, --chain <CHAIN>
The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
[env: CHAIN=]
Wallet options - raw:
-f, --from <ADDRESS>
The sender account
[env: ETH_FROM=]
-i, --interactive
Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key
--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
Use the provided private key
--mnemonic <MNEMONIC>
Use the mnemonic phrase of mnemonic file at the specified path
--mnemonic-passphrase <PASSPHRASE>
Use a BIP39 passphrase for the mnemonic
--mnemonic-derivation-path <PATH>
The wallet derivation path.
Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.
--mnemonic-index <INDEX>
Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
Used with --mnemonic-path.
[default: 0]
--retries <RETRIES>
Number of attempts for retrying verification
[default: 5]
--delay <DELAY>
Optional delay to apply inbetween verification attempts, in seconds
[default: 5]
Wallet options - keystore:
--keystore <PATH>
Use the keystore in the given folder or file
--account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
Use a keystore from the default keystores folder (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
--password <PASSWORD>
The keystore password.
Used with --keystore.
--password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
The keystore password file path.
Used with --keystore.
Wallet options - hardware wallet:
-l, --ledger
Use a Ledger hardware wallet
-t, --trezor
Use a Trezor hardware wallet
Wallet options - AWS KMS:
Use AWS Key Management Service
Verifier options:
--verifier <VERIFIER>
The contract verification provider to use
[default: etherscan]
[possible values: etherscan, sourcify, blockscout]
--verifier-url <VERIFIER_URL>
The verifier URL, if using a custom provider