2015-05-08 2.0.9
- Fixes secure access to rosqueuejs (rctoris)
2015-05-07 2.0.8
- Added mjpegcanvasjs and rosqueuejs to head element (petermitrano)
- Does not display multiple OTF appointments for infinite studies (rctoris)
2015-04-28 2.0.7
- Added flag for groovy mode (defaults to false) (rctoris)
2015-04-10 2.0.6
- Added infinite study times (rctoris)
2014-12-18 2.0.5
- Fixed memory leak when viewing a user (ignores logs) (rctoris)
- Fixed memory leak when viewing logs (smarter recursion) (rctoris)
- Fixed SQL bug in study export (rctoris)
2014-12-08 2.0.4
2014-10-27 2.0.3
- Height options added to ros3d and ros2d viewers (rctoris)
- Used correct version of stream URL format (rctoris)
2014-08-08 2.0.2
- Color and lighting settings added to ros3d helper (rctoris)
- Switched to S3 CDN (rctoris)
- Added ros2djs and nav2djs to RWT library includes (rctoris)
- Ros2d viewer added to helper (rctoris)
2014-07-08 2.0.1
- Added empty, no-style layout (rctoris)
- Fixed various errors with non-rosbridge environments (rctoris)
- Admins can now access all interfaces by default (rctoris)
- Updater added (rctoris)
2014-06-17 2.0.0
- RMS 2.0 - Migration to CakePHP framework (rctoris)
2013-04-16 0.3.0
- Source moved from www to src (rctoris)
- ROS XML and build scripts removed (rctoris)
- Main devel branch started (rctoris)
- Authors file started (rctoris)
- Phing build script added (rctoris)
- Major code cleanup for Zend coding standard (rctoris)
- JavaScript file management removed from RMS (rctoris)
- Widget PHP script management removed from RMS (rctoris)
- rmsdisplay.js removed (rctoris)
- Local JQuery copy removed (rctoris)
- Type and description removed from environment (rctoris)
- MJPEG Server host and port added to environment (rctoris)
2013-03-08 0.2.12
- Admin panel now correctly URI encodes the URL before making an AJAX call (rctoris)
- "Powered by the Robot Management System" added to footer (rctoris)
- topic_logger widget integrated (rctoris)
2013-02-26 0.2.11
- Bug patched to correctly take into account a map's "continuous" flag (rctoris)
- Bug patched to only include the update script if a config file already exists in initial setup (rctoris)
- Three.js now included with RMS (rctoris)
- Package names fixed in redirect index.php scripts (rctoris)
- Interactivemarkersjs added to javascript_files (rctoris)
- interactive_markers added as a widget type (rctoris)
- Example interactive marker interface added (rctoris)
- PR2 model added (rctoris)
2012-12-05 0.2.1
- Bug patched to allow for apostrophes in config settings (rctoris)
- Add to study_logs now in RMS API (rctoris)
- Copyright notices updated (rctoris)
2012-12-05 0.2.0
- Ordering fixed on articles (rctoris)
- CSS issues fixed (rctoris)
- Admin panel changed to use new API (rctoris)
- Log RMS API script added (rctoris)
- Password encryption changed to SHA1 (NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE WITH RMS v0.1.1 OR EARLIER) (rctoris)
- Database structure cleaned (NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE WITH RMS v0.1.1 OR EARLIER) (rctoris)
- Head include files now allow for relative paths (rctoris)
- Pages moved to folders with their own index.php (rctoris)
- Port and protocol added to environments (rctoris)
- All interfaces ported to new API (rctoris)
- SQL cleanse function added (rctoris)
2012-11-14 0.1.1
- Constraints added to MySQL tables (rctoris)
2012-11-12 0.1.0
- RMS REST API started (rctoris)
- Login changed to use RMS API (rctoris)
- Index pages (content pages) changed to use RMS API (rctoris)
2012-10-26 0.0.61
- updated to use new Git repositories (rctoris)
2012-10-25 0.0.6
- initial stages of experiment logging added (rctoris)
- study table added (rctoris)
- condition table added (rctoris)
- experiments table added (rctoris)
- study_log table added (rctoris)
- form/study_log.php script added (rctoris)
- Study Panel added for admins (rctoris)
- width and height removed from nav2d.php API (rctoris)
- 2D Navigation interface updated to use new version of nav2d.php API (rctoris)
- User main menu updated to only allow for valid studies (rctoris)
- Callback added to mjpeg_canvas.php API (rctoris)
- removed some $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] (rctoris)
- login now redirects to the page that required you to login (rctoris)
- code cleanup (rctoris)
- URL icon updated (rctoris)
2012-10-20 0.0.54
- Change of rosjs GitHub raw file location to use new bundled version (rctoris)
2012-10-14 0.0.53
- Minor code cleanup in interface/widget/mjpeg_canvas.php (rctoris)
- Change of rosjs GitHub raw file location (rctoris)
- Updated interface/widget/keyboard_teleop.php to use new version of keyboardteleop.js (rctoris)
- Updated interfaces to use new version of interface/widget/keyboard_teleop.php (rctoris)
- Update script now also updates the Javascript files (rctoris)
2012-10-12 0.0.52
- nav2d.php now accepts a callback to return the Nav2D object (rctoris)
2012-10-03 0.0.51
- SQL injection vulnerability patched (rctoris)
2012-09-26 0.0.5
- mjpeg_canvas.php now makes use of multi-stream canvas feature (rctoris)
- basic and simple_nav2d interfaces now use multi-stream MJPEG canvas feature (rctoris)
2012-09-20 0.0.4
- Added map2d.js, actionclient.js, and nav2d.js to the list of downloaded JS files (rctoris)
- Added map2d and nav2d widget types (rctoris)
- Fixed incorrect variable name in create_error_page (interface/common.inc.php) (rctoris)
- Fixed whitespace errors in admin panel (rctoris)
2012-09-16 0.0.3
- Downloaded Javascript files now stored in a SQL table (rctoris)
2012-09-15 0.0.22
- Downloaded Javascript file links changed to new RobotWebTools GitHub (rctoris)
2012-09-13 0.0.21
- Fixed bugs in update script (rctoris)
2012-09-12 0.0.2
- Site Maintenance tab created (rctoris)
2012-09-05 0.0.1
- Initial release (rctoris)