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Randomly Crawling Snails: Modelling Null Distributions in Thermal Gradients

We recently published a paper on behavioural thermoregulation in snails infected with parasite trematodes:

Wang, SYS, Tattersall, GJ, and Koprivnikar, J. 2019. Trematode parasite infection affects temperature selection in aquatic host snails. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 92(1):71–79.

As we were assessing behavioural thermoregulation using a rectangular tank that had a linear temperature gradient along the floor, and because snails are rather slow moving, we wanted to compare the exploration of this environment to that of a null model for movement.

Here are images of the setup:

Active Snail

Inactive Snail

Null Models

Null models are important in behavioural thermoregulation studies since they allow us to assess how the animal would behave if it were not orienting specifically with respect to temperature. Ectothermic animals, whose body temperature depends on the local ambient temperature, would be prone to move more slowly at cold temperatures, and more rapidly at higher temperatures simply due to Arhennius (Q10) effects on muscle function. Thus, we want to understand how a randomly crawling snail would behave when exposed to a thermal gradient. In other words, what would the null distribution be for random movement? This null distribution can then be compared to real animal distributions and allow us to conclude whether preference or random movement explains the results.

There are many packages in R that allow for random walks. Here is SiMRiv in action:

rand.walker <- species(state(concentration=0.98, steplen=mean(0.001))) <- simulate(rand.walker, 28800)
plot(, type = "l", asp = 1, main = "Random walk")

But none of the packages had boundary limits and options for allowing flexible displacement (i.e. movement velocity that depends on location) functions required for our experiment. So, I have made my own function (sim.snail) to generate random movement within a thermal gradient.

Required libraries

We'll need the following libraries active for this demonstration.


A null model of movement in a constrained enviroment

Define Input Parameters

Set the X,Y limits (MaxX, MinX, MaxY, MinY):


Define how many steps (Steps, by default, we assume each step is 1 second in duration, but this is arbitrary). 28800 sec = 8 hours:


Probability of stopping (Pstop, for each step, what is the probability of stopping. Stopping will allow for movement trajectory, theta, to be reset):


Regression parameters describing the thermal gradient along the x axis:

g<-expand.grid(x=seq(0,53.5,0.01), y=seq(0,7.5,0.1))

Which looks a little bit like this:

ggplot(g, aes(x=x, y=y))+geom_raster(aes(fill = Temperature)) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rainbow1234pal)+
  xlab("Longitudinal Axis, X")+ylab("Vertical Axis, Y")+

Define temperature sensitivity of movement (Q10) and the reference temperature for movement velocities:


Which would look like the following:

dz<-v* 10^(log10(Q10)*(15:35-Tref)/10) 
plot(dz~Temperature, ylab="Velocity (cm/s)")

Movement velocity, Vels, is supplied as a vector of measured movements (cm/s). Our measurements have snails in a constant environment with a Velocity of 0.01077 cm/s.

We do this using empirical data later on, but it could be provided as a random number:

Vels<-rnorm(n=100, mean=0.0128, sd=0.009478002)

Or we can load in data collected on ~124 snails:


## [1] 0.01077137


## [1] 0.009478002


Then we need to provide information on turning angles (alpha). We do this by asking for a mean turning angle, mua (likely zero, but you can model an animal with a turning bias, or derive this from empirical measurements). We use circular statistics to calculate the mean and concentration factor of the alpha values (rho):


## [1] 0.004038951


## [1] 0.9998546

To allow for angles to be drawn at random, we also need information on the variance possible with the turning angle. For circular statistics, this is often called the displacement or rho value. Distributions of angles cannot be drawn from the rnorm function in base R. Instead we use circular statistics to draw a "wrapped normal" distribution, with mean = mua and rho set as the concentration factor (must be between 0 and 1):

anga<-rwrpnorm(10000, mu=mua, rho=0.5)
hist(anga,breaks=1000, xlim=c(0,6.2), ylim=c(0,120), xlab="Turning angle (radians)",
     main="rho = 0.5")
anga<-rwrpnorm(10000, mu=mua, rho=0.9)
hist(anga,breaks=1000, xlim=c(0,6.2), ylim=c(0,120), xlab="Turning angle (radians)",
     main="rho = 0.9")
anga<-rwrpnorm(10000, mu=mua, rho=0.98)
hist(anga,breaks=1000, xlim=c(0,6.2), ylim=c(0,120), xlab="Turning angle (radians)",
     main="rho = 0.98")

Let's set the rhoa to 0.999 (similar to what we found empirically), which is quite high, but will allow the random snail to move mostly in a straight line:


Finally, determine what rhostop and rhowall should be. rhostop simply means that anytime the snail stops, its turning angle, alpha, can be drawn from a distribution with higher or lower variance. rhowall defines what the concentration factor should be for when the snail reaches the wall. If your rho is too high, the snail has no chance of "bouncing" off the wall. Also, once the snail hits the wall, it's subsequent trajectory is drawn from angles that will be parallel to the present boundary, with rhowall as the concentration factor for a bimodal wrapped normal distribution. In other words, anytime the model would otherwise push the snail outside the boundary, it is encouraged to move along the boundary. If you set rhowall to a high value, you should see wall hugging behaviour.

Let's set the rhostop to be 50% of the rhoa value and set rhowall simply to be 0.9:


Using the sim.snail function

With all these parameters in place, we can call the function. The function sim.snail() in the R folder should create a random walk snail moving at velocity (cm/s), randomly drawn from a distribution of known movement velocities.

It starts by assuming the initial trajectory (theta) is random (between 0 and 2pi radians) with the origin set to (MaxX-MinX)/2 and (MaxY-MinY)/2.

Subsequently, for each step in the random process, velocity is be drawn from the range of velocities provided and depending on the present temperature, a Q10-corrected velocity is used (warmer temperatures will have faster velocities).

Alpha is the turning angle and used to indicate how much the trajectory is allowed to change. An Alpha with a high rho is restricted, while a low rho value is much more random.

For each step, the trajectory and displacement are both calculated and added to the previous position to determine the new position.

Boundaries are provided to keep the walk within a known spatial limit. When a new X or Y would fall outside the boundary, a new random angle is drawn to reflect off the wall at random.

Finally, export can be set to "path" or "meanlasthour". "path" will return a data frame with the X,Y,theta, and temperature for all 28800 steps. "meanlasthour" simply returns the mean temperature in the last hour, which we used during a replication process.

Sample Output of the Random Crawl

res<-sim.snail(MaxX=MaxX, MinX=MinX, MaxY=MaxY, MinY=MinY, Pstop=Pstop, Steps=Steps,
                Vels=Vels, b=b, m=m, Q10=Q10, Tref=Tref, mua=mua, rhoa=rhoa, 
                rhostop=rhostop, rhowall=rhowall, export="path")
ggplot(res, aes(x=X, y=Y, col=Temperature))+
  xlab("Horizontal Distance (cm)")+
  ylab("Vertical Distance (cm)")+

Resulting Temperatures from the Random Crawl

Here is what a resulting Temperature would look like:

ggplot(res, aes(x=1:nrow(res), y=Temperature))+
  xlab("Time (seconds)")+
  ylab(expression("Temperature" ( degree*C)))+

ggplot(res, aes(x=Temperature, fill=..x..))+
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1)+  xlim(14,36)+

Estimate Null Selected Temperature Distribution

Replicate the Crawl

Having devised a means to model a random walk within the contraints of the experiment, now we need to replicate this. One run of the function only shows an n=1 for the random walk, and for our purposes, we were interested in where the null model 'ends', and the distribution of temperatures over the last hour of the random walk. This was related to our biological question.

Technically we want to replicate this 1000 to 10000 times to assess the empirical distribution, but the code is slow and best run using parallel computing. Below we'll create another function with an adjustable Q10, and run 30 replicates for each, since the time required is very long:

  res<-sim.snail(MaxX=MaxX, MinX=MinX, MaxY=MaxY, MinY=MinY, Pstop=Pstop, Steps=Steps,
                  Vels=Vels, b=b, m=m, Q10=Q10, Tref=Tref,
                  mua=mua, rhoa=rhoa, rhostop=rhostop,
                  rhowall=rhowall, export="meanlasthour")

res2<-replicate(30, rep_sim.snail(Q10=2))
res1<-replicate(30, rep_sim.snail(Q10=1))
hist(res2, main="Q10 = 2", xlim=c(15,35), xlab=expression("Temperature" ( degree*C)))
hist(res1, main="Q10 = 1", xlim=c(15,35), xlab=expression("Temperature" ( degree*C)))

So, with only a few replications, it is apparent that temperature sensitivity predicts random clustering toward the cold end, as the crawl speed slows down in the cold, leading to more time spent in the cold. But maybe this is a sampling error, so in the next section I'll show results from many more replications.

Final Replications

Unfortunately the code is slow (since it is not fully vectorised) so we'll load in randomisations previously run and saved and plot the distributions for 10,000 randomisations:


ggplot(data.frame(Q10_1_VelsActiveDist), aes(x=Q10_1_VelsActiveDist, fill=..x..))+
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1)+
    ggtitle("Q10 = 1")+
    xlab(expression("Temperature" ( degree*C)))+

## Warning: Removed 43 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

ggplot(data.frame(Q10_2_VelsActiveDist), aes(x=Q10_2_VelsActiveDist, fill=..x..))+
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1)+
    ggtitle("Q10 = 2")+
    xlab(expression("Temperature" ( degree*C)))+

## Warning: Removed 283 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

The primary difference here is that temperature sensitive movement predicts accumulation at lower temperatures.


If you found this code of use, please cite the paper where we describe it in use:

Wang, SYS, Tattersall, GJ, and Koprivnikar, J. 2019. Trematode parasite infection affects temperature selection in aquatic host snails. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 92(1):71–79.