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File metadata and controls

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Configure Gardener store

Kubeswitch can search through multiple Gardener installations for kubeconfigs of Shoot clusters and Shooted /Managed Seeds. External Seeds (not managed) and Plants are currently not supported.


Requirements on you local machine

  • On the client side, you need to have the Gardenlogin credentials plugin installed. Please check the documentation here. For your convenience, the configuration file for the credential-plugin at $HOME/.garden/gardenlogin.yaml will be generated based on the kubeswitch configuration file .

Please see an example gardenlogin configuration:

cat ~/.garden/gardenlogin.yaml
    - identity: sap-landscape-dev # must match the landscape-identity from config map in the kube-system namespace in the garden cluster
      kubeconfig: /path/to/garden/kubeconfig
      context: dev-virtual-garden
    - identity: my-other-landscape
      kubeconfig: /path/to/garden/kubeconfig

Requirements for Gardener Installation

  • Since kubeswitch version > 0.5.0 only kubeconfigs with short-lived static tokens are used to access Shoot clusters. For this to work, the Gardener API Server must be started with feature gate AdminKubeconfigRequest (will be enabled per-default in future versions of Gardener). For more information, please see the GEP.

Requirements for Gardener Installation for kubeswitch < 0.7.0

  • Installed gardenlogin-controller
    • This controller creates the Shoot kubeconfig in the config map with name <shoot-name>.kubeconfig in the project namespace in the garden cluster.

Requirements for Gardener Installation for kubeswitch >= 0.7.0

  • Gardener Installation >= v1.43.0

Background: Please note that the gardenlogin-controller has been deprecated (also see this issue). Since gardener version v1.43.0, the Shoot's CA secret is synced by the Gardenlet to the Garden cluster into the secret <shoot-name>.ca-cluster so that clients can construct a Shoot kubeconfig without having to rely on the gardenlogin-controller. As a result, Kubeswitch, starting with version 0.7.0, does not support gardenlogin-controller created kubeconfigs.

Search Semantics

Kubeconfig contexts names are searchable using Gardener semantics.

The prefix is the identity of the Gardener installation (k -n kube-system get cm cluster-identity in the Garden cluster). Optionally, a less technical name can be defined (see configuration).


  • -shoot--/

In this example:

  • Landscape-identity: sap-landscape-dev
  • Project Name: core
  • Shoot Name: dm
  • Context Name: shoot--core--dm



  • -seed-/

In this example:

  • Landscape-identity: sap-landscape-dev
  • Seed Name: az
  • Context Name: shoot--garden-az


Garden cluster

  • -garden


However, you can always define an alias for a context name to customize the search. For instance, if you are more used to calling your Gardener cluster "virtual-garden", define an alias like so:

switch alias dev-virtual-garden=sap-landscape-dev-garden/virtual-garden

Using switch dev-virtual-garden will directly switch to the virtual Garden cluster.

Preview functionality

The preview includes meta information depending on which kubeconfig is selected. This includes the Gardener landscape, the name of the Seed where the Shoot's control plane runs and the name of the Shoot. Please note: Using this preview will cause additional requests against the Gardener API server even though you might use a search index.


The preview can be turned off using the flag --show-preview false.

Switch to the controlplane of a Shoot cluster

If you used kubeswitch to switch to any context of a Shoot cluster, you can use the command switch gardener controlplane to directly switch to the controlplane namespace in the Shoot's Seed cluster.


You need to configure kubeswitch with a kubeconfig for each Gardener installation. It should have

  • permissions to list Shoots, Secrets and ManagedSeeds (limited to namespaces dependent on the configured paths)
  • the current-context set

Example configuration

cat ~/.kube/switch-config.yaml

kind: SwitchConfig
version: "v1alpha1"
refreshIndexAfter: 4h
- kind: gardener
    gardenerAPIKubeconfigPath: "/path/to/dev-(virtual)-garden-kubeconfig"
    landscapeName: "dev"
- kind: gardener
    gardenerAPIKubeconfigPath: "/path/to/canary-(virtual)-garden-kubeconfig"
    landscapeName: "canary"
- kind: gardener
  refreshIndexAfter: 6h
    gardenerAPIKubeconfigPath: "/path/to/live-(virtual)-garden-kubeconfig"
    landscapeName: "live"

Optional configuration

Optionally, a landscapeName can be configured that replaces the automatically detected landscape-identity of each gardener installation.

Per default, all namespaces are searched for Shoot clusters (equals path "/"). You can also define the namespaces in the paths field.

Please see the example below.

cat ~/.kube/switch-config.yaml

kind: SwitchConfig
version: "v1alpha1"
refreshIndexAfter: 4h
- kind: gardener
  - "garden-my-shoot-ns"
  - "garden"
    gardenerAPIKubeconfigPath: "/path/to/dev-(virtual)-garden-kubeconfig"
    landscapeName: "dev"