An opinionated toast component for React Native. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner.
- API fully matches Sonner's
- Multiple variants, including
- Promise variant with built-in loading state
- Custom JSX with the custom variant
- Top or bottom positions
- Title and description
- Action button with a callback
- Custom icons
- Optionally dismissable with swipe, configurable left or up
- Dismissable with toast.dismiss(), one or all toasts
- Highly performant using Reanimated 3, 60 FPS
- Dark mode built-in
- Works with Expo
- NativeWind supported
- Customizable via styles props
- Works outside of React components
npx expo install sonner-native
To use this package, you also need to install its peer dependencies. Check out their documentation for more information:
- React Native Reanimated
- React Native Gesture Handler
- React Native Safe Area Context
- React Native SVG
import { Toaster } from 'sonner-native';
function App() {
return (
<Toaster />
import { toast } from 'sonner-native';
function SomeComponent() {
return (
title="Show Toast"
onPress={() => toast('Hello, World!')}
Even though Sonner Native works on the web, it is not recommended to use it there. Instead, use the original Sonner.
The following setup is recommended. Add a sonner.ts
and sonner.web.ts
file to your project and import from there instead of from this library directly. That way, sonner will be used on the web and sonner-native on native.
// sonner.ts
export * from 'sonner-native';
// sonner.web.ts
export * from 'sonner';
For more advanced usage, check out the documentation
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
Made with create-react-native-library