Theses are my best performing code for DMD shared task 2018.
The data set was provided by organizers of the shared task and can be requested by sending your complete name, supervisor name, university name and an official email from your university e-mail address to [email protected]. Due to privacy reasons, data set is not provided here.
Pre trained models for testing both malicious domain name and classifying domain name to respective botnet class. For testing malicious domain name call following script on command prompt (Note: Replace line 45 i.e. foldername = 'test/Task 1/testing/Testing 1/test1.txt' # replace with your test file path)
For testing class of domain call following script on command prompt.
The output file will be produced in the same folder.
To train your own data run the program python3 and python3
Note: Remember to change file path of training file according to your file structure.