Releases: gwdevhub/Daybreak
Daybreak v0.8.3
Wait for Guild Wars window before declaring the application as launched.
Daybreak v0.8.2
Ability to automatically place guildwars on a desired screen when launching.
Daybreak v0.8.1
Include [Admin] tag next to build version when running as administrator.
Daybreak v0.8.0
No longer require administrator access for normal usage.
New update method requesting elevation only during installation.
Require administrator currently only for launching with multibox support enabled.
Daybreak v0.7.8
Launch guildwars with lower privilege.
Daybreak v0.7.7
Fixed skill icons not unloading when changing professions.
Moved profession help icons on the same side with attribute icons.
Daybreak v0.7.6
Improved performance when loading skills icons.
Fixed a bug where build template manager would fail to save builds.
Daybreak v0.7.5
Skills now properly show only the top icon in case there are two icons for the same skill (eg. luxon/kurzick variants)
Daybreak v0.7.4
Attributes and professions are now searchable, similar to skills.
Fixed an uncaught exception caused by browser finishing initialization after the user has navigated away.
Minor QOL fixes in build template view.
Daybreak v0.7.3
Fixed a bug where earth prayers were not considered an attribute.
Stopped script injection when setting to download builds from browser is set to false.