- 1) write tests
- 2) circleCi integration(or any other Continuous Integration platform)
- 3) define help process
- 4) write help guide (wiki)
- 1) load DB script for test and fix purpose
- 2) best practices docs (readme)
- 3) best practices docs (wiki)
- 1) scripts: db generation and collections
- 2) implementation docs: setup, how to, step by step guide (wiki)
- 3) user docs (wiki)
- 1) new staging environment to QA, with own metrics and data: google analytics, kadira
- 2) rewrite config files with dynamic values (process.ENV):
uri: process.env.MONGO_URI || 'localhost',
port: process.env.MONGO_PORT || 2701,
db: process.env.MONGO_DB || 'wykiwyg'
- 1) split contracts in:
- voters_campaing_name: users wallet
- delegations_campaing_name
- votes_campaing_name
- 2) delete flags with false values: information overload
- 3) move recurrent values from db to
instance. Example: html content in field description in contracts collection move to client as switch case.