# Name of page
### Purpose of page
### Technical details
* URL: https://www.hackforla.org/
* GitHub locations (includes any relevant html, css, yml, md, js files)
* [directory(s) and page](https://github.com/hackforla/website/blob/gh-pages/[directory(s) and page])
* Wiki Architecture references (includes links to details about reusable components)
* Figma pages
* [Current Pages](https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=3464%3A0)
* Issue Label: ```P-Feature: [insert page name]```
* [In Issues Tab]()
* [On Project Board]()
### Content (sections and features)
### Something
### Page screenshot (current version)
- Date Updated: 2022-__-__