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[FEATURE REQUEST] SkipAtom compositional featurizer #854

sgbaird opened this issue Aug 6, 2022 · 0 comments

[FEATURE REQUEST] SkipAtom compositional featurizer #854

sgbaird opened this issue Aug 6, 2022 · 0 comments


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sgbaird commented Aug 6, 2022

Intended usage:

from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
compositions = [Composition("Al2O3"), Composition("CeCoGe3")]
from matminer.featurizers.composition.composite import ElementProperty
ep = ElementProperty.from_preset("skipatom")
comp_fingerprints = ep.featurize_many(compositions)

I think the following would be a good example to follow:

class MatscholarElementData(AbstractData):
Class to get word embedding vectors of elements. These word embeddings were
generated using NLP + Neural Network techniques on more than 3 million
scientific abstracts.
The data returned by this class are simply learned representations of the
elements, taken from:
Tshitoyan, V., Dagdelen, J., Weston, L. et al. Unsupervised word embeddings
capture latent knowledge from materials science literature. Nature 571,
95–98 (2019).
def __init__(self):
dfile = os.path.join(module_dir, "data_files/matscholar_els.json")
with open(dfile) as fp:
embeddings = json.load(fp)
self.prop_names = [f"embedding {i}" for i in range(1, 201)]
all_element_data = {}
for el, embedding in embeddings.items():
all_element_data[el] = dict(zip(self.prop_names, embedding))
self.all_element_data = all_element_data
def get_elemental_property(self, elem, property_name):
return self.all_element_data[str(elem)][property_name]

Followed by the appropriate incorporation into:

class ElementProperty(BaseFeaturizer):
Class to calculate elemental property attributes.
To initialize quickly, use the from_preset() method.
Features: Based on the statistics of the data_source chosen, computed
by element stoichiometry. The format generally is:
"{data source} {statistic} {property}"
For example:
"PymetgenData range X" # Range of electronegativity from Pymatgen data
For a list of all statistics, see the PropertyStats documentation; for a
list of all attributes available for a given data_source, see the
documentation for the data sources (e.g., PymatgenData, MagpieData,
MatscholarElementData, etc.).
data_source (AbstractData or str): source from which to retrieve
element property data (or use str for preset: "pymatgen",
"magpie", or "deml")
features (list of strings): List of elemental properties to use
(these must be supported by data_source)
stats (list of strings): a list of weighted statistics to compute to for each
property (see PropertyStats for available stats)
def __init__(self, data_source, features, stats):
if data_source == "pymatgen":
self.data_source = PymatgenData()
elif data_source == "magpie":
self.data_source = MagpieData()
elif data_source == "deml":
self.data_source = DemlData()
elif data_source == "matscholar_el":
self.data_source = MatscholarElementData()
elif data_source == "megnet_el":
self.data_source = MEGNetElementData()
self.data_source = data_source
self.features = features
self.stats = stats
# Initialize stats computer
self.pstats = PropertyStats()
def from_preset(cls, preset_name):
Return ElementProperty from a preset string
preset_name: (str) can be one of "magpie", "deml", "matminer",
"matscholar_el", or "megnet_el".
ElementProperty based on the preset name.
if preset_name == "magpie":
data_source = "magpie"
features = [
stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "avg_dev", "mode"]
elif preset_name == "deml":
data_source = "deml"
stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
features = [
"FERE correction",
elif preset_name == "matminer":
data_source = "pymatgen"
stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
features = [
elif preset_name == "matscholar_el":
data_source = "matscholar_el"
stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
features = MatscholarElementData().prop_names
elif preset_name == "megnet_el":
data_source = "megnet_el"
stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
features = MEGNetElementData().prop_names
raise ValueError("Invalid preset_name specified!")
return cls(data_source, features, stats)
def featurize(self, comp):
Get elemental property attributes
comp: Pymatgen composition object
all_attributes: Specified property statistics of features
all_attributes = []
# Get the element names and fractions
elements, fractions = zip(*comp.element_composition.items())
for attr in self.features:
elem_data = [self.data_source.get_elemental_property(e, attr) for e in elements]
for stat in self.stats:
all_attributes.append(self.pstats.calc_stat(elem_data, stat, fractions))
return all_attributes
def feature_labels(self):
labels = []
for attr in self.features:
src = self.data_source.__class__.__name__
for stat in self.stats:
labels.append(f"{src} {stat} {attr}")
return labels
def citations(self):
if self.data_source.__class__.__name__ == "MagpieData":
citation = [
"@article{ward_agrawal_choudary_wolverton_2016, title={A general-purpose "
"machine learning framework for predicting properties of inorganic materials}, "
"volume={2}, DOI={10.1038/npjcompumats.2017.28}, number={1}, journal={npj "
"Computational Materials}, author={Ward, Logan and Agrawal, Ankit and Choudhary, "
"Alok and Wolverton, Christopher}, year={2016}}"
elif self.data_source.__class__.__name__ == "DemlData":
citation = [
"@article{deml_ohayre_wolverton_stevanovic_2016, title={Predicting density "
"functional theory total energies and enthalpies of formation of metal-nonmetal "
"compounds by linear regression}, volume={47}, DOI={10.1002/chin.201644254}, "
"number={44}, journal={ChemInform}, author={Deml, Ann M. and Ohayre, Ryan and "
"Wolverton, Chris and Stevanovic, Vladan}, year={2016}}"
elif self.data_source.__class__.__name__ == "PymatgenData":
citation = [
"@article{Ong2013, author = {Ong, Shyue Ping and Richards, William Davidson and Jain, Anubhav and Hautier, "
"Geoffroy and Kocher, Michael and Cholia, Shreyas and Gunter, Dan and Chevrier, Vincent L. and Persson, "
"Kristin A. and Ceder, Gerbrand}, doi = {10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.10.028}, issn = {09270256}, "
"journal = {Computational Materials Science}, month = {feb}, pages = {314--319}, "
"publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, title = {{Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen): A robust, open-source python "
"library for materials analysis}}, url = {}, "
"volume = {68}, year = {2013} } "
elif self.data_source.__class__.__name__ == "MEGNetElementData":
# TODO: Cite MEGNet publication (not preprint) once released!
citation = [
"author = {{Chen}, Chi and {Ye}, Weike and {Zuo}, Yunxing and {Zheng}, Chen and {Ong}, Shyue Ping},"
"title = '{Graph Networks as a Universal Machine Learning Framework for Molecules and Crystals}',"
"journal = {arXiv e-prints},"
"keywords = {Condensed Matter - Materials Science, Physics - Computational Physics},"
"year = '2018',"
"month = 'Dec',"
"eid = {arXiv:1812.05055},"
"pages = {arXiv:1812.05055},"
"archivePrefix = {arXiv},"
"eprint = {1812.05055},"
"primaryClass = {cond-mat.mtrl-sci},"
r"adsurl = {\#abs/2018arXiv181205055C},"
"adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}}"
citation = []
return citation
def implementors(self):
return ["Jiming Chen", "Logan Ward", "Anubhav Jain", "Alex Dunn"]

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