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Jaron Heard edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

Process for deploying new version of Open Elections to Staging

  1. Merge changes to master
  2. Changes will be automatically deployed to staging

Process for deploying new version of Open Elections from Staging to Production

  1. Login to hacko AWS account
  2. Make sure you’re on US-West-2 region
  3. Go to ECS Clusters
  4. Copy the full image string from the latest staging task definition
  5. Go to the production task definition and create a new revision
  6. Edit the container in the new revision to with the full image string
  7. Go to ECS Clusters and choose the production service
  8. Click update in top right and enter latest revision number for task definition
  9. Click through next a bunch of times and then update service
  10. You can see the progress on the Tasks tab
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