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Open Election Data Models

Dan Melton edited this page Mar 24, 2019 · 23 revisions

All tables

required fields: id* - *UID - secure unique identifier - created in postgres. Do not use integer types. - Indexed createdAt - datetime stamp in UTC for record created updatedAt - datetime stamp in UTC for last update. - Indexed

Required fields are the minimum number of fields required to create the record in the database.


Governments are entities that match donations, administer donation programs and possibly run elections. All records are located against the government entity

Table Name: Governments

Required fields:

slug - varchar(24) - the subdomain and huma-nreadable name for the government (i.e. portland, seattle). 
must be alphanumeric. will be used for folders & naming items in the system

Not Required

name - varchar(255) - the display name of the government program
website - varchar(255) - the government's main website for the matching program
domain - varchar(255) - the fully qualified domain name for the program (


Users have access to the system, are linked to permissions and can add/edit/read data.

Required Fields:

email - varchar(255) - required - the email of the user
salt - varchar(255) - required - the application generated salt for the password
passwordHash - varchar(255) - required - the salted md5 hash of the password (salt + password)

Not Required Fields:

phone - uinteger(64) - the phone number of the user
firstName - varchar(255) - the user's first name
lastName - varchar(255) - the user's last name
address1 - varchar(255) - the mailing address
address2 - varchar(255) - the additional mailing address
city - varchar(255) - the city
state - varchar(255) - the two letter abbreviation
postcalCode - varchar(255) - the postal code - 5 to 8 numbers. dashes allowed


Required fields userId - the user record permissionLevel - enum[admin|write|read] resource - enum[User|Donation|] - a human readable resource identifier. Can correspond to the table name, a service, capability, etc governmentId - the government id - if set, applies to all campaigns under the government campaignId - the campaign id - if set, applies to only the campaign




Election Cycle



Expenditure Report


Donor Match Rule

Resident Record

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