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NOTE: While writing the book we wanted to mostly focus on the concepts, as the concrete technologies used to implement the concepts are constantly changing and we wanted to keep them as much as simple. So we decided to use Spring Boot to implement the OAuth 2.0 authorization server used in the samples of the book. However in practice you may use Keycloak, Auth0, Okta, WSO2, and so on as your authorization server.
Spring Boot has deprecated AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter, ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer, and AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer classes, which we used to implement the authorization server, which we will surely update in the next edition of the book and will also update the github project even before that. However, we expect this will not distract the readers that much, because we don't expect them to implement an authorization server.
Page 43 / Section: 2.2.3, the curl command is missing closing doulbe quote after "read write"
Page 51 / Section: 2.5.1, the response from the cURL command needs to be corrected as the following. The response you see in the book is related to an older dependency, which does not strictly validate the scopes and issues a token for the valid scope, ignoring the others. However, the updated dependency in git repo (which we did later), validates the scopes strictly. This is not defined under the OAuth 2.0 specification, and totatly upto the authorization server (already stated in the book).
"error_description":"Invalid scope: write",
- Page 94/Section 4.2.4 (the 3rd paragraph on the page). o is printed instead of 0.
Needs to be corrected as
- Page 278/Section 11.3.3 (the last line).
From the Kubernetes 1.7 release onward, etcd stores Secrets only in an encrypted format.
Should be corrected as:
From the Kubernetes 1.7 release onward, etcd supports storing Secrets in an encrypted format.
Release notes of Kubernetes 1.7
Encrypting Secret Data at Rest
- Page 321, section 12.4.3, listing 12.12. Remove the label app: inventory. To striclty enforce mTLS for the Inventory microservice you can define another PeerAuthentication policy with that label. The samples in git repo has the correct policy.
- Page 307, right after the 1st para. You do not need to run the following two commands, if you are using Istio 1.6.0+. Istio 1.6.0 enables SDS for Ingress Gateway by default.
> istioctl manifest generate
--set values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.sds.enabled=true >
> kubectl apply -f istio-ingressgateway.yaml
- Page 308, at the bottom of the page, foootnote 2.
Even though SDS is enabled by default since Istio 1.5.0, the Istio Ingress gateway still does not use SDS by default.
Should be updated to reflect the changes introduced in Istio 1.6.0
Even though SDS is enabled by default since Istio 1.5.0, only in Istio 1.6.0 the Istio Ingress gateway uses SDS by default. Istio 1.5.0 only enables SDS by default for the service proxies.
- Page 311, towards the end of the page, you do not need to run the following command in Istio 1.6.0. As the Note says on the same, Policy CRD was removed from Istio 1.6.0.
> kubectl apply -f authentication.policy.yaml
If you want to disable TLS between the Istio ingress gateway running in the istio-system namespace and all the services in the default namespace, you can use the following DestinationRule.
kind: DestinationRule
name: disable-mtls
namespace: istio-system
host: *.default.svc.cluster.local
Page 312, figure 12.4, shows the default behavior of Istio versions before 1.5.0. With Istio 1.5.0+ if we do not specifically ask Istio not to use TLS between the Ingress Gateway and the microservices, the communications between the Ingress Gateway and STS / Order Processing microservices will be on HTTPS (arrows 1, 2 from the Istio Ingress Gateway), and also the communication between the Order Process and the Inventory microservices (arrow 3) will also be on HTTPS.
Page 317. If you are using Istio 1.6.0, you need to skip the section 12.4.1 and directly move to section 12.4.3. Istio 1.6.0 removed the Policy CRD.
- Page 379, the very fist cURL command at the top of the page. The client_id must be included in the cURL command. Should be corrected as:
\> curl \
-u application1:application1secret \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=authorization_code&
- Page 414, formatting issue on the last line of the code block. Should be corrected as:
Version: 0.18.0
Gitcommit: fec3683
- Page 500 / figure J.1, top, right caption which points to kubectl box. In the caption it says kubelet, should be corrected as kubectl.