diff --git a/APL/Rogue_Subtlety.lua b/APL/Rogue_Subtlety.lua index 1f9a69b6a..68b7689c1 100644 --- a/APL/Rogue_Subtlety.lua +++ b/APL/Rogue_Subtlety.lua @@ -200,10 +200,8 @@ local function CDs () if ER.Cast(S.ArcaneTorrent, Settings.Subtlety.OffGCDasOffGCD.ArcaneTorrent) then return "Cast"; end end end - -- actions.cds+=/shadow_blades,if=combo_points<=2|(equipped.denial_of_the_halfgiants&combo_points>=1) - if S.ShadowBlades:IsCastable() and (Player:ComboPoints() <= 2 or (I.DenialoftheHalfGiants:IsEquipped(9) - and Player:ComboPoints() >= 1)) and not Player:Buff(S.ShadowBlades) - then + -- actions.cds+=/shadow_blades + if S.ShadowBlades:IsCastable() and not Player:Buff(S.ShadowBlades) then if ER.Cast(S.ShadowBlades, Settings.Subtlety.OffGCDasOffGCD.ShadowBlades) then return "Cast"; end end -- actions.cds+=/goremaws_bite,if=!stealthed.all&cooldown.shadow_dance.charges_fractional<=2.45&((combo_points.deficit>=4-(time<10)*2&energy.deficit>50+talent.vigor.enabled*25-(time>=10)*15)|(combo_points.deficit>=1&target.time_to_die<8)) @@ -270,7 +268,7 @@ local SoDMacro, ShStormMacro; local function StealthMacro(MacroType) SoDMacro, ShStormMacro = false, false; -- Will we SoD ? - if S.SymbolsofDeath:IsCastable() and ((Player:BuffRemains(S.SymbolsofDeath) < Target:TimeToDie(10)-4 and Player:BuffRefreshable(S.SymbolsofDeath, 10.5)) or (I.ShadowSatyrsWalk:IsEquipped(8) and Player:EnergyTimeToMax() < 0.25)) then + if S.SymbolsofDeath:IsCastable() and Player:BuffRemains(S.SymbolsofDeath) < Target:TimeToDie(10)-4 and Player:BuffRefreshable(S.SymbolsofDeath, 10.5) then SoDMacro = true; end -- Will we Shuriken Storm ? @@ -446,15 +444,10 @@ local function APL () if ER.Cast(S.Eviscerate) then return "Cast Eviscerate (OOC)"; end end elseif Player:IsStealthed(true, true) then - -- World of Subterfuge Bug - if S.Subterfuge:IsAvailable() and not Player:Buff(S.VanishBuff) and not Player:Buff(S.Shadowmeld) and (ER.CDsON() or (S.ShadowDance:ChargesFractional() >= Settings.Subtlety.ShDEcoCharge)) and S.ShadowDance:IsCastable() then - if ER.Cast(MacroLookupSpell[StealthMacro("ShD")]) then return "Cast"; end - else - if ER.AoEON() and S.ShurikenStorm:IsCastable() and ER.Cache.EnemiesCount[10] >= 2+(S.Premeditation:IsAvailable() and 1 or 0)+(I.ShadowSatyrsWalk:IsEquipped(8) and 1 or 0) then - if ER.Cast(S.ShurikenStorm) then return "Cast Shuriken Storm (OOC)"; end - elseif S.Shadowstrike:IsCastable() then - if ER.Cast(S.Shadowstrike) then return "Cast Shadowstrike (OOC)"; end - end + if ER.AoEON() and S.ShurikenStorm:IsCastable() and ER.Cache.EnemiesCount[10] >= 2+(S.Premeditation:IsAvailable() and 1 or 0)+(I.ShadowSatyrsWalk:IsEquipped(8) and 1 or 0) then + if ER.Cast(S.ShurikenStorm) then return "Cast Shuriken Storm (OOC)"; end + elseif S.Shadowstrike:IsCastable() then + if ER.Cast(S.Shadowstrike) then return "Cast Shadowstrike (OOC)"; end end elseif S.Backstab:IsCastable() then if ER.Cast(S.Backstab) then return "Cast Backstab (OOC)"; end