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175 lines (137 loc) · 4.81 KB

1. Getting Testnet STX

./target/debug/blockstack-cli generate-sk --testnet
  "publicKey": "02c3c7ab279c5637ea5f024f8036c5218b6d1e71518adba0693c3dcc7bead92305",
curl -X POST ""

2. Spin up testnet stacks-node

working_dir = "/var/testnet-stacks-node"
rpc_bind = ""
p2p_bind = ""
bootstrap_node = ""

chain = "bitcoin"
mode = "xenon"
peer_host = ""
username = "blockstack"
password = "blockstacksystem"
rpc_port = 18332
peer_port = 18333

# Used for sending events to a local stacks-blockchain-api service
# [[events_observer]]
# endpoint = "localhost:3700"
# retry_count = 255
# events_keys = ["*"]

amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST319CF5WV77KYR1H3GT0GZ7B8Q4AQPY42ETP1VPF"
amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST221Z6TDTC5E0BYR2V624Q2ST6R0Q71T78WTAX6H"
amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000
./target/release/stacks-node start --config=/var/devel/stacks-subnets/contrib/conf/stacks-l1-testnet.toml 2>&1 | tee -i /tmp/stacks-testnet-0426-1055.log

Note: You can use an existing testnet chain state if you have one available. I used cp /root/stacks-node/ on one of the Hiro deployed xenon followers. The first bootup did not work: I CTRL-C'd the execution, which triggered a panic, but on the next start, the node booted fine.

3. Launch the contract

Collect the contracts:

mkdir my-subnet/
mkdir my-subnet/contracts
cp stacks-subnets/core-contracts/contracts/subnet.clar my-subnet/contracts/
cp stacks-subnets/core-contracts/contracts/helper/trait-standards.clar my-subnet/contracts/

Set the miners list to contain the address generated in Step 1:

sed -ie "s#^(define-constant miners.*#(define-constant miners (list \'STFTX3F4XCY7RS5VRHXP2SED0WC0YRKNWTNXD74P))#" my-subnet/contracts/subnet.clar

Make the transactions -- you will need to set the private key of the contract publisher as an env var:


This is the private key from the first step.

mkdir my-subnet/scripts
cp stacks-subnets/contrib/scripts/* my-subnet/scripts/
cd my-subnet/scripts/
npm i @stacks/network
npm i @stacks/transactions
mkdir ../transactions/
node ./publish_tx.js trait-standards ../contracts/trait-standards.clar 0 > ../transactions/trait-publish.hex
node ./publish_tx.js subnet-alpha ../contracts/subnet.clar 1 > ../transactions/subnet-publish.hex

Submit the transactions:

$ node ./broadcast_tx.js ../transactions/trait-publish.hex
  txid: '93cae889b9382c512e55715e5357b388734c0448643e2cc35d2a1aab90dcf61a'

$ node ./broadcast_tx.js ../transactions/subnet-publish.hex
  txid: '8c457091916a7f57b487162e0692c2cd28e71dd0b2dc9a9dfad73f93babe1dfd'

4. Configure the Subnet miner

Create a toml configuration for the subnet miner. Importantly, you should set the contract_identifier to the contract published in Steps 3 (e.g., STFTX3F4XCY7RS5VRHXP2SED0WC0YRKNWTNXD74P.subnet-alpha).

working_dir = "/var/my-subnet/subnet-alpha"
rpc_bind = ""
p2p_bind = ""
mining_key = "<FILL HERE>"
miner = true
wait_time_for_microblocks = 50_000

first_attempt_time_ms = 60_000
subsequent_attempt_time_ms = 60_000
microblock_attempt_time_ms = 30_000

chain = "stacks_layer_1"
mode = "xenon"
first_burn_header_height = 46_721
first_burn_header_hash = "9ba2f357115308fb1c503715f3a1b0cb3e8fdbe6baea7e7634635affdf675501"
contract_identifier = "<CONTRACT_NAME_HERE>"
peer_host = ""
rpc_port = 20443
peer_port = 20444
rpc_ssl = false

amount = 10000000000000000

Add to L1 node config:

endpoint = "localhost:50303"
retry_count = 255
events_keys = ["*"]

5. Start the nodes

The subnet-node must be started before the stacks-node:

./target/release/subnet-node start --config=/var/my-subnet/configs/subnet-miner.toml 2>&1 | tee /var/my-subnet/subnet-miner.log

The stacks-node must be started from a state before the first_burn_header_height and first_burn_header_hash configured in the subnet node's TOML.

./target/release/stacks-node start --config=/var/stacks-subnets/contrib/conf/stacks-l1-testnet.toml 2>&1 | tee -i /tmp/stacks-testnet.log