First, thank you for considering contributing to this project! It's people like you that make this project great!
You can contribute to this project by:
- Reporting bugs or suggesting new features at Issues
- Submitting PRs
Of course you should be polite and respectful to other contributors!
When reporting bugs, please provide the following information clearly:
- What you did
- What you expected to happen
- What actually happened
- Steps to reproduce the bug
When submitting PRs, please make sure that:
- If your PR is related to an issue, please reference the issue in the PR description.
- this makes tracking and managing issues easier.
- Your PR is not a duplicate of an existing PR.
- Because this project is focused on the frontend, consider adding the screenshots of your changes.
- Of course this is not required, but it would be nice to see what your changes look like.
- Your PR is not a WIP (work in progress) PR.
- Please set draft status to your PR if it is a WIP PR.
- Your PR should point the
branch as the base branch.
If you consider contributing to this project by submitting PRs, you can choose one of the following ways:
- using DevContainers (recommended)
- Fork and make changes locally
This project is configured to use DevContainers. If you have VSCode installed, you can use DevContainers to develop this project.
Please refer to the official documentation for more information.
If you don't want to use DevContainers, you can fork this project and make changes locally.
This project uses npm to manage dependencies. Please make sure that you have npm installed.
- Clone your forked project
- Install dependencies
- Make changes!