ZM Setup:
Click "Add a Monitor"
Name your camera
Select Source Type of "FFmpeg"
Function (this depends on you, I picked modect)
Left all other settings as-is on this tab
Source Path: rtsp://XX.XX.XX.XX:8554/unicast (Where XX.XX.XX.XX is the IP of your camera)
Remote Method: UDP (This was the first I tired and it worked, not saying it's the only way.
Target colorspace: 32 bit colour
Capture Width: 1920
Capture Height: 1080
The rest as-is
BEFORE you can configure the Control tab
If you don't see this make sure you enabled OPT_CONTROL in the ZM options. Copy into a file named in /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control/ (May be different for your distro, make sure it has the same permissions as the other controls)
Navigate to the control tab for your camera
Click on the "Edit" next to "Control Type"
Click "Add New Control" at the bottom of the popup
Name: "Xiaomi Dafang"
Type: "Fffmpeg"
Protocol: "Xiaomi" (it has to match the .pm file from above)
Can Reset: Yes
Can move: yes
Can move relative: yes
That's it, now save your new control type and head back to the control tab
Select "Controllable"
Control Type "Xiaomi Dafang"
Control Device: leave this empty
Control Address: root:[email protected] (Where XX.XX.XX.XX is the IP of your camera)