This document supports two target audiences:
- Integrator - Someone who is taking OB-USP-AGENT and integrating it into a device. Normally this also involves extending the data model to support the device.
- Contributor - Someone who is enhancing the core functionality of the open source OB-USP-AGENT implementation.
When referring to source code functions, this document will often use 'XXX' to represent a set of possible function names. For example, DEVICE_XXX_Init() refers to a set of functions:
- etc
- Install dependencies (Curl, OpenSSL, Sqlite, z-lib, autotools) using package manager:
$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libz-dev autoconf automake libtool pkg-config
- Install optional dependencies (libmosquitto, libwebsockets) using package manager:
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libmosquitto-dev libwebsockets-dev
NOTE: libwebsockets must be compiled without support for event loop libraries (e.g. LWS_WITH_LIBUV=false) and without websocket extensions (LWS_WITHOUT_EXTENSIONS=true). These are the defaults but many distros choose to override them.
- Install OB-USP-AGENT from source:
$ autoreconf --force --install
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
- --disable-coap - Removes CoAP MTP
- --disable-mqtt - Removes MQTT MTP
- --disable-websockets - Removes WebSockets MTP
- --disable-stomp - Removes STOMP MTP
Before OB-USP-AGENT starts, it needs a database containing the settings of the USP controller to contact. This is known as the 'factory reset database'. This database may be created using either:
- 'obuspa -c dbset' commands (see next section)
- code in vendor_factory_reset_example.c (if INCLUDE_PROGRAMMATIC_FACTORY_RESET is defined in vendor_defs.h)
- a text file located by the '-r' option
To start with, use the last option, as this is the simplest method.
If OB-USP-AGENT cannot find a database when it starts up, then it will create one using the parameter values specified in the file located by the '-r' option.
To specify the data model parameters and values used to create the factory reset database, modify factory_reset_example.txt. You will need to modify the STOMP connection parameters and the USP EndpointID of the controller to connect to.
When using this option, to prevent the code in vendor_factory_reset_example.c from overriding the values specified in the file located by the '-r' option, ensure that INCLUDE_PROGRAMMATIC_FACTORY_RESET is undefined in vendor_defs.h.
To create the database and run OB-USP-AGENT connecting to a STOMP server from network interface eth0 with protocol and trace logging enabled to stdout, use the following command:
$ obuspa -p -v 4 -r factory_reset_example.txt -i eth0
If OB-USP-AGENT successfully connected to your STOMP server you should see trace like the following on stdout:
Attempting to connect to host=controller1 (port=61613, unencrypted) from interface=eth0
Connected to (host=controller1, port=61613) from interface=eth0
Sending STOMP frame to (host=controller1, port=61613)
Received CONNECTED frame from (host=controller1, port=61613)
Sending SUBSCRIBE frame to (host=controller1, port=61613)
If OB-USP-AGENT failed to connect, review the settings in your factory reset database and the STOMP server. If you subsequently change the settings in factory_reset_example.txt, then you must delete the database, in order that the database is re-created the next time you run OB-USP_AGENT. To delete the database in the default location:
$ rm /usr/local/var/obuspa/usp.db
Alternatively you can use the 'obuspa -c dbset' command (see next section) to alter parameters in the database, and try again.
You can also run OBUSPA within docker. Simply build the docker container, and tag with obuspa:latest.
docker build -t obuspa:latest .
Then run, with mounts for the factory reset file, and specify the arguments you'd like. For example:
docker run -d -v $(pwd)/factory_reset_example.txt:/obuspa/factory_reset_example.txt obuspa:latest obuspa -r /obuspa/factory_reset_example.txt -p -v4
In its current state, this will not preserve the USP database over docker runs.
OB-USP-AGENT also supports CoAP MTP. As with STOMP MTP, this is enabled by setting data model parameters in the relevant CoAP MTP data model objects.
IMPORTANT When using CoAP over DTLS, OB-USP-AGENT must have a client certificate (e.g. using the '--authcert' option).
OB-USP-AGENT supports two modes, a daemon mode (seen above) and a command (or CLI) mode, which supports interactively querying the data model and setting values in the database. The CLI mode is specified with the '-c' option.
- To see a list of arguments use:
$ obuspa --help
- To see a list of commands supported in CLI mode use:
$ obuspa -c help
- To see the currently implemented USP data model use:
$ obuspa -c show datamodel
- To see all data model parameters stored in the database:
$ obuspa -c show database
- To set the value of a data model parameter in the database use:
$ obuspa -c dbset "parameter" "value"
IMPORTANT: This command must only be run when there is no daemon instance of OB-USP-AGENT running, as it directly alters the value in the database without notifying a running daemon of the change.
- To set the value of a data model parameter when the daemon is running use:
$ obuspa -c set "parameter" "value"
- To query the value of a parameter when the daemon is running use:
$ obuspa -c get "parameter"
The "parameter" may contain USP search expressions and partial paths. For example, to query the value of all parameters in the DeviceInfo object when the daemon is running use:
$ obuspa -c get "Device.DeviceInfo."
The CLI mode also supports adding and deleting instances of data model objects and running USP commands.
The /src directory contains the following sub-directories:
core - This implements the core functionality and data model of OB-USP-AGENT. Contributors will make code changes in this directory.
vendor - This contains code which is intended to be modified by an integrator. Integrators extend the data model and core functionality registering vendor hooks (callbacks).
include - This defines the publically accessible APIs exported to integrators (USP and VENDOR APIs). Contributors may make changes to files in this directory. Integrators must not.
libjson - This contains an open source Javascript Object Notation implementation. Neither contributors or integrators are likely to need to modify this code.
protobuf-c - This contains pre-generated code implementing the USP record and USP message protobuf schemas. Contributors will only need to re-generate this code if the USP protobuf schema changes.
Two APIs are of interest to an integrator. They are declared in the src/include directory.
VENDOR API - An integrator must implement this API by modifying the stub functions in the src/vendor directory
USP API - An integrator makes calls to this API to register the data model and notify OB-USP-AGENT core of changes
For information on the purpose and arguments of an API function, consult the function header comments where the function is defined (typically src/core/usp_register.c or src/core/usp_api.c).
The file src/vendor/vendor_defs.h contains feature switch defines and various other compile time defines. The following defines are most likely to need modifying:
DEFAULT_WAN_IFNAME - Name of the network interface to be used for USP communications.
CONNECT_ONLY_OVER_WAN_INTERFACE - If defined only the network interface specified in DEFAULT_WAN_IFNAME is used for USP communications. If not defined, the Linux routing tables select which network interface to use. IMPORTANT: Even if not defined, DEFAULT_WAN_IFNAME must be a valid network interface.
DEFAULT_DATABASE_FILE - The file system location of the database file, if none is specified by the '-f' option when invoking OB-USP-AGENT.
CLI_UNIX_DOMAIN_FILE - The file system location of a unix domain stream file used for communication between OB-USP-AGENT running in CLI and daemon modes.
VENDOR_OUI - The value of Device.DeviceInfo.ManufacturerOUI. This may be overridden by a value in the database.
VENDOR_PRODUCT_CLASS - The value of Device.DeviceInfo.ProductClass
VENDOR_MANUFACTURER - The value of Device.DeviceInfo.Manufacturer
VENDOR_MODEL_NAME - The value of Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName
SYSTEM_CERT_PATH - Location of file or directory containing certificates. These are reported in Device.Security.Certificate and not used in OB-USP-AGENT's trust store (use '-t' option to specify trust store certificates).
Use the USP_REGISTER_XXX() set of functions to register USP data model objects, parameters, cammands and Events.
- Integrators should always call USP_REGISTER_XXX() from VENDOR_Init() in src/vendor/vendor.c
- Contributors should create a new device_XXX.c file in src/core, and call USP_REGISTER_XX() from a DEVICE_XXX_Init() located in the new device_XXX.c file. The new DEVICE_XXX_Init() must be hooked into the existing core data model from DATA_MODEL_Init() (in src/core/data_model.c).
Example (for Integrators):
int VENDOR_Init(void)
return USP_REGISTER_VendorParam_ReadOnly("Device.DeviceInfo.ModelNumber", GetModelNumber, DM_STRING);
int GetModelNumber(dm_req_t *req, char *buf, int len)
strncpy(buf, "MyModelNumber", len);
return USP_ERR_OK;
This example registers the Device.DeviceInfo.ModelNumber parameter. The Get_ModelNumber() vendor hook function is called whenever OB-USP-AGENT core needs to get the value of the parameter.
The error codes to return are defined in src/include/usp_err_codes.h. If an error occurs, call USP_ERR_SetMessage() to set an error message that will be returned by the USP protocol.
Vendor hook set handlers must check for uniqueness if their parameter forms part of a unique key for an object.
For more complex examples of extending the data model, see the DEVICE_XXX_Init() functions in the src/core/device_XXX.c files
IMPORTANT: At bootup, the instance numbers of data model objects must be signalled to OB-USP-AGENT core using USP_DM_InformInstance().
- Integrators should call USP_DM_InformInstance() from VENDOR_Start() (in src/vendor/vendor.c).
- Contributors should call USP_DM_InformInstance() from a DEVICE_XXX_Start() function in their device_XXX.c file.
After bootup, changes to object instances should be signalled with the USP_SIGNAL_ObjectAdded() and USP_SIGNAL_ObjectDeleted() functions.
For an example of implementing a USP asynchronous command, see src/core/device_selftest_example.c.
USP data model events are registered by USP_REGISTER_Event() and USP_REGISTER_EventArguments(). They are signalled with USP_SIGNAL_DataModelEvent(). Use the USP_ARG_XXX() functions to create the event's argument list.
The core implementation of OB-USP-AGENT has defaults for many aspects of functionality. Some aspects have been designed to be overridden by the integrator using callbacks. To override the default implementation, register a core vendor hook callback by calling USP_REGISTER_CoreVendorHooks() from VENDOR_Init() (in src/vendor/vendor.c).
Example (for Integrators):
int VENDOR_Init(void)
vendor_hook_cb_t core_callbacks;
memset(&core_callbacks, 0, sizeof(core_callbacks));
core_callbacks.get_mtp_password_cb = GetStompPassword;
return USP_REGISTER_CoreVendorHooks(&core_callbacks);
int GetStompPassword(char *buf, int len)
strncpy(buf, "MyPassword", len);
return USP_ERR_OK;
The example registers a callback to get the STOMP MTP password. Other vendor hook callbacks may be registered by setting the relevant callback in the core_callbacks structure, before calling USP_REGISTER_CoreVendorHooks().
The typedefs for each of the core vendor hook callbacks are declared in src/include/usp_api.h.
The following core vendor hooks are most likely to need overriding:
- reboot_cb - called by OB-USP-AGENT core to reboot the device after receiving a Device.Reboot() command
- factory_reset_cb - called by OB-USP-AGENT core to perform a factory reset after receiving a Device.FactoryReset() command
- get_trust_store_cb - called by OB-USP-AGENT core to get the list of SSL certificates to install in OB-USP-AGENT's trust store. These can alternatively be specified using the '-t' option when invoking OB-USP-AGENT.
- get_agent_cert_cb - called by OB-USP-AGENT core to get the SSL client certificate and private key associated with this device. This can alternatively be specified using the '-a' option when invoking OB-USP-AGENT.
The trust store certificates and agent certificate (with associated private key) may alternatively be specified using the '--truststore' and '--authcert' arguments when invoking OB-USP-AGENT.
Certificates provided to the get_trust_store_cb() and get_agent_cert_cb() must be in DER (binary) form, whilst certificates provided to the '--authcert' and '--truststore' invocation arguments must be in PEM format.
With some integrations, the data model is implemented by other executables and OB-USP-AGENT must communicate with the other executables to get or set parameters or add or delete object instances.
Use the USP_REGISTER_GroupXXX() set of functions to register the group of parameters and objects implemented by the other executable. When getting or setting grouped parameters, OB-USP-AGENT passes a list of all affected parameters in the group to a single group get or set callback function, improving communication efficiency with the other executable.
Example (for Integrators):
int VENDOR_Init(void)
int err = USP_ERR_OK;
#define MY_GROUP 1
err |= USP_REGISTER_GroupedObject(MY_GROUP, "Device.MyObject.{i}", true);
err |= USP_REGISTER_GroupedVendorParam_ReadWrite(MY_GROUP, "Device.MyObject.{i}.MyParam", DM_BOOL);
err |= USP_REGISTER_GroupVendorHooks(MY_GROUP, GetMyParams, SetMyParams, AddMyObject, DelMyObject);
if (err != USP_ERR_OK)
return USP_ERR_OK;
In the example, the grouped vendor hook callbacks registered by USP_REGISTER_GroupVendorHooks() are called to get, set, add or delete data model parameters and objects associated with MY_GROUP. Providing example implementations of these functions would be too verbose for this guide. Instead, follow the implementation guidelines below.
int GetMyParams(int group_id, kv_vector_t *params)
// params->vector[].key contains parameters to get
// Obtain the value of these parameters from the other executable then use USP_ARG_Replace()
// or USP_ARG_ReplaceWithHint() to copy the obtained value back into params->vector[]
// If some parameters could not be obtained, then just do not call USP_ARG_Replace()
// Only return an error if none of the parameters could be obtained (Example: RPC call failure)
int SetMyParams(int group_id, kv_vector_t *params, unsigned *param_types, int *failure_index)
// params->vector[].key contains parameters to set
// params->vector[].value contains the associated values to set
// param_types[] contains the associated type of each parameter (Example: DM_BOOL)
// return an error if any of the parameters could not be set.
// *failure_index may be used to return the index of the first parameter to fail (index in the params->vector[] and param_types[] arrays).
// If this is not known, you should return an index of the value INVALID.
int AddMyObject(int group_id, char *path, int *instance)
// return the instance number of the object created by the other executable in *instance
// return USP_ERR_CREATION_FAILURE if the object could not be created
int DelMyObject(int group_id, char *path)
// return USP_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_DELETABLE if the object could not be deleted
Changes to object instances are normally signalled using the USP_SIGNAL_ObjectAdded() and USP_SIGNAL_ObjectDeleted() functions. However for some data model objects these events can only be determined by periodically polling the object's instances. This is wasteful to perform continuously, as the object instances are only required when forming a USP response.
Use USP_REGISTER_Object_RefreshInstances() to register an object instance query function which is called on demand.
Example (for Integrators):
int VENDOR_Init(void)
int err = USP_ERR_OK;
err |= USP_REGISTER_Object("Device.IP.Interface.{i}", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
err |= USP_REGISTER_ObjectRefreshInstances("Device.IP.Interface.{i}", RefreshIPInterfaceInstances);
if (err != USP_ERR_OK)
return USP_ERR_OK;
int RefreshIPInterfaceInstances(int group_id, char *path, int *expiry_period)
// Register the currently valid instances for this object and all child objects
// cache the object instance numbers for 30 seconds
*expiry_period = 30;
return USP_ERR_OK;