ToDO: Create env and Activate it $ python -m venv myenv $ ./myenv/Scripts/activate Install Jupyter and other packages $ pip install jupyter numpy pandas $ pip freeze > requirements.txt # add package into requirements.txt (for install python -r requirements.txt) Add a new kernel to your Jupyter config # Add this package if not present: pip install ipykernel $ ipython kernel install --user --name=your_env_name Run $ jupyter-notebook install package inside Jupyter-notebook cell ! pip install numpy Access Jupyter from Server #!/usr/bin/bash #Set Password to jupyter #jupyter notebook password jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888 Windows Bat File (jupyter-notebook.bat) F: cd projects\python-notebook call .\myenv\Scripts\activate.bat :: call pip install -r requirements.txt jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888 pause python version: Python 3.10.11