This repository contains all TeX code (plain TeX, no LaTeX), MetaPost figures and supporting material as used in my lectures on Electromagnetic Theory II (1TE626) for Engineering Physics (master level) at Uppsala University.
The directory contains the following subdirectories:
Elektriska fält i material
(Electric fields in materials)
Magnetiska fält i material
(Magnetic fields in materials)
(The multipole expansion)
Maxwells ekvationer och vågutbredning
(Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves)
Vågutbredning i homogena och isotropa dielektrika
(Electromagnetic waves in homogeneous and isotropic dielectrics)
Retarderade potentialer som lösningar till Maxwells ekvationer
(Retarded potentials as solutions to Maxwell's equations)
In each directory, the included Makefile
can be used to regenerate the
documents, figures and graphs. Just run make
and ensure to install any
missing components in case there are any complaints.
In order to generate all documents and figures in all lectures, just run
in the elmagii
root directory. In order to clean up all directories,
just run make clean
in the elmagii
root directory.
Lecture 6 - Electric fields in materials:
Boundary conditions for the normal and tangential components of electric field
across a surface with non-zero charge density.
Lecture 7 - Magnetic fields in materials: The orientation of spin to
form a magnetic polarization density.
Lecture 7 - Magnetic fields in materials:
The geometry used in calculating the equivalent volume and surface currents
matching the (possibly inhomogeneous) general magnetization of a body.
Lecture 8 - The multipole expansion:
The scalar potential and static electric field from a linear electric
quadrupole, being the simplest construction with a quadrupole moment as
the first appearing term.
Lecture 8 - The multipole expansion: The scalar potential and static
electric field from a quadratic electric quadrupole.
Copyright (C) 2024, Fredrik Jonsson, under GPL 3.0.