Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Add default repository handling for SUSE releases #154
- Fix Python package dependencies on SUSE releases #153
Closed issues:
- #177
- Failing on Debian Bookwork, telegraf recomends stable main rather than specific release #175
- Unable to run against linux machines (redhat) #159
- How to add the sub inputs into the same config file using telegraf_plugin_extra #149
Merged pull requests:
- Add Archlinux OS #186 (Frankkkkk)
- Fixes Role for Almalinux 8.8, Closes #172 #183 (mira-miracoli)
0.14.1 (2024-02-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fix check-mode failures #168 (pieterlexis-tomtom)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix molecule tests so that PR's can properly validated #180 (dj-wasabi)
- Replace apt_key with get_url #170 (danclough)
Closed issues:
- Failure due to apt-key when run against newer Debian/Ubuntu releases #169
Merged pull requests:
- Bump ansible-core from 2.15.2 to 2.15.9 #182 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump ansible from 8.2.0 to 8.5.0 #181 (dependabot[bot])
- Change Debian repo location #179 (danclough)
- replace depracted aws module #178 (ThorstenHeck)
- added yaml 1.2.2 compatibility #176 (DEvil0000)
- Migrate from io to diskio to fix deprecation warning #173 (mprasil)
0.14.0 (2023-01-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Added/removed OS'es for Molecule CI testing #167 (dj-wasabi)
- Ensure check-mode works #163 (pieterlexis-tomtom)
- Downgrade support #160 (maxnasonov)
Fixed bugs:
- Don't install init script on SUSE/openSUSE systems running systemd #152
- Fix the molecule run as part of CI process #166 (dj-wasabi)
- update influxdata GPG key after rotation #165 (Tetha)
- Fixed issues with Windows paths containing spaces #162 (KlettIT)
Closed issues:
0.13.3 (2022-03-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Adding support for aggregators #156 (simo-tuomisto)
- Add support for Rocky Linux #147 (maxwondercorn)
- Add Windows feature of upgrade agents #146 (PeterSzegedi)
Merged pull requests:
- Improve usage on SUSE releases #155 (jeffmahoney)
- Add variable for openSUSE RPM repository #151 (kingphil)
- Fixed issues with Windows paths containing spaces & removed redundant "telegraf" folder in path #144 (treanorjp)
0.13.2 (2021-03-05)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
0.13.1 (2021-01-06)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- adjustments for Windows >= 1.15 #139 (billabongrob)
Closed issues:
- Newer versions of Telegraf fail on Windows #138
Merged pull requests:
- Added property telegraf_agent_docker_image_version for using a specific version of the Docker image #137 (dj-wasabi)
- Apply ansible-lint in pre-commit hook and fix changes #136 (dj-wasabi)
- Using version as version_compare is deprecated #135 (dj-wasabi)
- Using command instead of shell module #134 (dj-wasabi)
0.13.0 (2020-10-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Setup the system for individual plugins #125
- Logparser configuration #111
- ansible_fqdn problematic for getting hostname #105
- FreeBSD support #99
- Proxy not taken into consideration when using 'online' #96
Closed issues:
- telegraf_agent_aws_tags creates an invalid Telegraf configuration #128
- Broken on Ubuntu 20.04 #121
- Broken on RedHat #119
Merged pull requests:
- corrected "Example Docker configuration" to make it work by default #132 (NotDead)
- Removing requirements file and use it from ci-base repo #131 (dj-wasabi)
- Going to Github Actions #130 (dj-wasabi)
- quote aws ec2 global tags #129 (Puneeth-n)
- made service status configurable #127 (DEvil0000)
- Plugin dependencies are installed and configured #126 (carlba)
- fix debian packagename on state latest #124 (dwerder)
- MacOS support #123 (carlba)
- gpgkey yum repo fix #122 (marcinwito)
- Fix RedHat task list #120 (rohit-gohri)
- added installation method manual - skip installation #117 (DEvil0000)
- Support postgresql_extensible queries #116 (rlex)
- Added extra filtering possibilities for a plugin #113 (dj-wasabi)
- Minor changes to get Travis working again #112 (dj-wasabi)
- Download from influxdb #109 (dj-wasabi)
- Don't override package name unless "latest" #108 (matttrach)
- Adding support for arm64 systems #106 (remkade)
- Use items() instead of iteritems() #104 (diego1q2w)
- Fix: ensure apt-cache is updated before install #103 (asfaltboy)
- on FreeBSD the telegeraf.conf is in root of /usr/local/etc. #102 (langerma)
- Some changes for fixing FreeBSD #101 (dj-wasabi)
- basic FreeBSD support #100 (langerma)
- Added the use_proxy argument to use a proxy (or not) #98 (dj-wasabi)
- Various small changes for molecule #97 (dj-wasabi)
0.12.0 (2019-03-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Install telegraf from package file instead of repository #89
Closed issues:
- Docker container support #82
Merged pull requests:
- Add processors section in Telegraf config #94 (ph4r5h4d)
- Updated to Telegraf 1.10.0;Different installation methods #93 (dj-wasabi)
- Updating Telegraf default to 1.9.5 #92 (sdurrheimer)
- Updating Telegraf default to 1.9.4 #90 (sdurrheimer)
- Docker enhancements #88 (jgeusebroek)
- Updating Telegraf default to 1.9.3 #87 (sdurrheimer)
- Added register for installation of packages #86 (dj-wasabi)
- Add Docker container support #85 (jgeusebroek)
- Remove legacy options #84 (jgeusebroek)
- Fix tagpass and tagdrop #83 (jgeusebroek)
- [bug] debian - add cache_valid_time #81 (pad92)
- Updating Telegraf default to 1.9.2 #80 (sdurrheimer)
- Add Yum repo support for Amazon Linux #79 (anthonysr)
- Fix to work with Fedora Linux #78 (ikke-t)
- Updating to newer version of Telegraf #77 (dj-wasabi)
- Add support for extra win_perf_counters and prevent python u'' strings #76 (jdivy)
0.11.0 (2018-12-11)
Closed issues:
- No telegraf_plugin_extra info is added to plugins #71
- Daemon crash because of empty config.conf and plugin.conf files. #63
- Pin telegraf to {present, latest, specific-version} #59
- Ability to add multiple times the same extra-plugin #57
Merged pull requests:
- Renamed the tojson to to_json #74 (dj-wasabi)
- A few enhancements and fixes to windows support #73 (jdivy)
- Replace 'ec2_facts' with 'ec2_metadata_facts' to fix a deprecation warning #72 (Rylon)
- Added default pluging if nothing is configured #70 (dj-wasabi)
- Added support for (Open)Suse #69 (dj-wasabi)
- Added Windows as OS #68 (dj-wasabi)
- Want to use latest #67 (dj-wasabi)
- Some small improvements #66 (dj-wasabi)
- telegraf-extra-plugin.conf.j2: fix template typo #65 (gaelL)
- Using base ci requirements.txt #64 (dj-wasabi)
- Wen copying/removing plugins show only plugin name #62 (mprasil)
- Pin apt key ID #61 (tszym)
- Added support for plugins being managed exclusively by this playbook #60 (gaizeror)
0.10.0 (2018-08-12)
Closed issues:
- Package changed namespace and broke our Tower instance #56
- PR #46 break telegraf "Multiple inputs of the same type" #48
- telegraf_plugins_extra is override when multiple call #30
Merged pull requests:
- Updating to Telegraf 1.7.3;Updating changelog #58 (dj-wasabi)
- Added bunch of files #55 (dj-wasabi)
- Fix Deprecation warnings #54 (dj-wasabi)
- Changed 'include' to 'include_tasks' to remove deprecation warning #53 (tjend)
- Add option to remove extra plugin config files #52 (tjend)
- Plugins extra hash allow multiple inputs same type #50 (tjend)
- Update to 2.4;Using specific versions of libraries #49 (dj-wasabi)
0.9.0 (2018-05-06)
Closed issues:
- Cannot call plugin multiple times anymore #39
Merged pull requests:
- Updating to 0.9.0 #47 (dj-wasabi)
- Convert the telegraf_plugins_extra varaible to a hash so that we can … #46 (tjend)
- Improved comments, split up role, moved tags and added defaults #45 (boxrick)
- Allow to override RedHat release version #43 (tszym)
- Fix Travis Tests #42 (dj-wasabi)
- Fix markdown #41 (angristan)
- plugins: be able to specify the filename of extra plugings #40 (gaelL)
- tags: give an option to use AWS tags as telegraf tags #32 (gaelL)
0.8.0 (2017-10-30)
Closed issues:
- PIP dependencies conflicting with native yum packages #28
Merged pull requests:
- Use telegra_global_tags for oldest telegraf versions #38 (tszym)
- Fix extra plugins by file / Change apt source filename / Change tags by global_tags #37 (aarnaud)
- Remove useless packages on RedHat. fix #28 #36 (tszym)
- Test if LSB codename exists before using it #35 (tszym)
- Updating to Molecule V2 #31 (dj-wasabi)
0.7.0 (2017-02-23)
Fixed bugs:
- multiple plugins in telegraf_plugins_extra are duplicated #22
- Deleting extra plugins doesn't delete them #8
Merged pull requests:
- Updating to release 0.7.0 #27 (dj-wasabi)
- Replace action by modules #26 (tszym)
- Use yum repository to install telegraf on RedHat #25 (tszym)
- Remove for-loop in extra-plugin template #24 (emersondispatch)
- Update Debian.yml #23 (zend0)
- extra plugins tags #21 (oboukili)
- Input tags support #20 (szibis)
- Fix telegraf confguration permissions #19 (szibis)
0.6.0 (2017-01-02)
Merged pull requests:
- update the README with the latest v0.13 - v1.1 agent settings #17 (lhoss)
- support missing agent settings upto telegraf v1.1 #16 (lhoss)
- Fixing molecule #15 (dj-wasabi)
- use version_compare filter … #14 (lhoss)
- set telegraf hostname in defaults. #13 (airbe)
- Removed imports #12 (dj-wasabi)
- Fix the Influxdb repo for "hybrid" debian distros (like "jessie/sid") #11 (Ismael)
- Do "become" for the steps that require root access on Debian #10 (Ismael)
- Added new code for correct molecule verification #7 (dj-wasabi)
0.5.1 (2016-08-24)
Merged pull requests:
- fixed issue with ansible not getting the package #6 (thecodeassassin)
0.5.0 (2016-07-17)
Closed issues:
- A new Release for the .deb package url change #3
Merged pull requests:
0.4.0 (2016-02-05)
0.3.0 (2016-01-13)
0.2.0 (2015-11-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Update etc-opt-telegraf-telegraf.conf.j2 #2 (aferrari-technisys)
- Improvement and upgrade for v0.2.0 of telegraf #1 (aferrari-technisys)
0.1.0 (2015-09-23)
0.0.2 (2015-09-20)
0.0.1 (2015-09-20)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator