You can use Intrepydd from within Jupyter. The following collection of notebooks shows you how.
Video Preview. For a quick video overview, which goes through the k-means case study below, click here (YouTube).
Functions Reference. For a Jupyter-based summary and demo of many of the Intrepydd-supported functions, refer to the functions reference or its preview. Some are not yet included (e.g., sparse matrix functions), so do refer to the complete Intrepydd built-in functions and libraries list.
Below, the title links directly to a Jupyter notebook. If, instead, you just want to preview the notebook, click the "Preview" links, which redirect you to the GitHub versions.
- "Hello, world!" -- Preview
- Type specialization basics -- Preview
- Profiling basics -- Preview
- Case study: profiling and optimizing k-means -- Preview
- Case study: counting triangles in a graph using sparse matrices -- Preview
Since Jupyter is usually run on a web browser on your local machine, the following three steps need to be performed to enable Jupyter to connect with a Docker instance running Intrepydd. In the following, we will assume that the Docker instance is running on a server named [email protected], that is representative of a typical EC2 instance, and key_CqPMRtDoyTYq.pem is the ssh identification file located in the current directory. The actual path names may vary depending on the server instance that you use.
Step 1: ssh to the server and run Jupyter via Docker
$ ssh -i key_CqPMRtDoyTYq.pem [email protected]
$ sudo docker run -p 8888:8888 --privileged -it --rm --net=host -v /data:/data sdhph1-eval1 /bin/bash -c "/opt/conda/bin/jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser --allow-root"
Copy the URL returned by the "docker run" command, e.g.,
Step 2: forward port 8888 from the server to your local machine
$ ssh -i key_CqPMRtDoyTYq.pem -L 8888:localhost:8888 [email protected]
Step 3: Open the URL copied at the end of step 1 in a web browser, e.g.,