Copy vulkan.c3l
to your project's lib
folder and you are good to go. In your code file, import the library
import vk;
If you are using GLFW, you may need to turn on a flag to enable vulkan support on GLFW
module std::core::env;
const bool GLFW_INCLUDE_VULKAN = true;
import glfw;
- Vulkan functions are renamed as follows:
- Vulkan constants are renamed as follows:
- Vulkan structs are renamed as follows:
- Vulkan enums are renamed as follows:
- Enum values are renamed as follows:
- Enum values are renamed as follows:
- Vulkan flags are converted to
and renamed as follows:VkFlagName
- All string equivalents (e.g.
char *
) are converted toZString
- All functions that handle error by returning
is now converted to using C3'sfault
system. For exampleVkResult vkCreateInstance(const VkInstanceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkInstance* pInstance)
is converted tofn void! createInstance(InstanceCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, AllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, Instance* pInstance)
- All functions that supposed to extract an array values are converted to return a
instead. For exampleVkResult VkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(char* pLayerName, int* count, VkExtensionProperties* properties)
is converted tofn ExtensionProperties[]! enumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(ZString pLayerName)
You can handle errors manually like this:
vk::InstanceCreateInfo createInfo = {
.p_application_info = &&vk::ApplicationInfo {
.p_application_name = "Hello",
.application_version = vk::@make_version(1, 0, 0),
.p_engine_name = "Soreal Engine",
.engine_version = vk::@make_version(1, 0, 0),
.api_version = vk::API_VERSION_1_3,
fn void create() {
anyfault excuse = vk::createInstance(&createInfo, null, &instance);
if (excuse == vk::Error::NOT_READY) {
io::printfn("not ready to create instance");
Or you can use shorthand like so:
fn void create() {
vk::createInstance(&createInfo, null, &instance)!!;
This binding was mostly generated using a python script based on Odin's.