🎃 Note as part of Hacktoberfest 2023, we're looking for contributions to this page! If you have a collection you'd like to add, please submit a PR! See this issue for more context! #TODO add issue link 🎃
Hugging Face Collections provide a way of curating repositories from the Hub (models, datasets, Spaces and papers) on a dedicated page. This page collects some examples of awesome collections!
- Historic Multilingual Language Models (by stefan-it) - a collection of Historic Multilingual Language Models.
- Protein Design & Protein Structure Prediction (by simonduerr) - Interactive Demos that can be used for protein structure prediction using AlphaFold2 or RoseTTAfold2, prediction of small metal ions.
- 👐🏻Accessible🧱Gradio🦹🏻🦸🏻♀️Themes (by MultiTransformer) - Accessible Gradio Themes That Are Fun & Exciting , open organisation : join us today!
- 🛺🤖Autogen❤️Gradio🤗Huggingface (by MultiTransformer) - Microsoft's Autogen Library Tutorials from the community to the community !
- smol models (by librarian-bots) - a collection of models on the Hub which are smaller than 50MB created via this notebook