By Hüsam.
The purpose of the database is to manage a library system. It will store information about books, authors, genres, library members, loans, reservations, and fines.
The entities included in the scope of the database are:
- Books: Represents individual books in the library. It includes attributes such as ID, name, author ID, publication date, ISBN, genre, and description.
- Authors: Represents the authors of the books. It includes attributes like ID, name, birthdate, and nationality.
- Genres: Represents the genres or categories to which the books belong. It includes attributes like ID, name, and description.
- Members: Represents the library members or patrons. It includes attributes like ID, name, email, phone, address, and member status.
- Loans: Represents the loans made by the members. It includes attributes like ID, book ID, member ID, loan date, due date, and return date.
- Reservations: Represents the book reservations made by the members. It includes attributes like ID, book ID, member ID, reservation ID, pickup date, and status.
- Fines: Represents the fines imposed on members for late returns. It includes attributes like ID, loan ID, amount, and payment status.
- Add, update, and delete books, authors, genres, members, loans, reservations, and fines.
- Search for books by various criteria such as title, author, genre, etc.
- Check the availability of books for loan or reservation.
- Register new members and manage their membership status.
- Record loan transactions, including due dates and return dates.
- Manage book reservations, including pickup dates and cancellation.
- Track and manage fines imposed on members for late returns.
The entities represented in the database are:
- Attributes: ID (auto-incremented), name, author ID, publication date, ISBN, genre, description.
- Types: ID (INT), name (VARCHAR), author ID (INT), publication date ( YEAR), ISBN (CHAR), genre (INT), description (TEXT).
- Constraints: Primary key on ID, foreign key referencing authors table on author ID, foreign key referencing genres table on genre.
- Attributes: ID (auto-incremented), name, birthdate, nationality.
- Types: ID (INT), name (VARCHAR), birthdate (YEAR), nationality ( VARCHAR).
- Constraints: Primary key on ID.
- Attributes: ID (auto-incremented), name, description.
- Types: ID (INT), name (VARCHAR), description (TEXT).
- Constraints: Primary key on ID.
- Attributes: ID (auto-incremented), name, email, phone, address, member status.
- Types: ID (INT), name (VARCHAR), email (VARCHAR), phone (VARCHAR), address (VARCHAR), member status (ENUM).
- Constraints: Primary key on ID, unique constraint on email and phone.
- Attributes: ID (auto-incremented), book ID, member ID, loan date, due date, return date.
- Types: ID (INT), book ID (INT), member ID (INT), loan date (DATE), due date (DATE), return date (DATE).
- Constraints: Primary key on ID, foreign key referencing books table on book ID, foreign key referencing members table on member ID.
- Attributes: ID (auto-incremented), book ID, member ID, reservation ID, pickup date, status.
- Types: ID (INT), book ID (INT), member ID (INT), reservation ID (INT), pickup date (DATE), status (ENUM).
- Constraints: Primary key on ID, foreign key referencing books table on book ID, foreign key referencing members table on member ID.
- Attributes: ID (auto-incremented), loan ID, amount, payment status.
- Types: ID (INT), loan ID (INT), amount (DECIMAL), payment status ( ENUM).
- Constraints: Primary key on ID, foreign key referencing loans table on loan ID.
The following optimizations have been implemented:
- Indexes: Indexes have been created on frequently queried columns such as author ID and genre ID to improve search performance.