Releases: hyperskill/mobile-app
Releases · hyperskill/mobile-app
Release 1.70
What's Changed
- Bump rexml from 3.2.9 to 3.3.6 in /iosHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #1162
- Bump rexml from 3.3.4 to 3.3.6 in /androidHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #1169
- ALTAPPS-1343: Shared decrease wrong submission count for skip suggestion by @ivan-magda in #1168
- ALTAPPS-1339: Android fix double resume coroutine when calling AndroidPurchaseManager.canMakePayments by @XanderZhu in #1171
- ALTAPPS-1333: Shared load more bug with pagination for root topics section by @XanderZhu in #1170
- ALTAPPS-1335: Shared, Android support skipped and completed studyplan activities by @XanderZhu in #1172
- ALTAPPS-1334: iOS support skipped and completed activities in study plan by @ivan-magda in #1173
- Release 1.70 by @ivan-magda in #1167
Full Changelog: v1.69...v1.70
Release 1.69
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1324: Shared, iOS code blanks math expressions by @ivan-magda in #1163
- ALTAPPS-1338: Shared rollback auto choosing Python track by @ivan-magda in #1164
- ALTAPPS-1341: iOS fix incorrect code blanks step 47913 rendering by @ivan-magda in #1166
- ALTAPPS-1336: Android improve problems UI by @XanderZhu in #1165
- Release 1.69 by @ivan-magda in #1159
Full Changelog: v1.68.1...v1.69
Hotfix 1.68.1
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1337: iOS improve 47329 step highlight animations by @ivan-magda in #1160
- Hotfix 1.68.1 by @ivan-magda in #1161
Full Changelog: v1.68...v1.68.1
Release 1.68
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1327: iOS hide JetBrains and GitHub social providers with additional tap by @ivan-magda in #1154
- ALTAPPS-1328: Shared Aug 2024 ads campaigns onboarding improvements by @ivan-magda in #1155
- ALTAPPS-1331: iOS improve problems UI by @ivan-magda in #1156
- ALTAPPS-1332: iOS support 1 week free trial state on paywall screen by @ivan-magda in #1157
- ALTAPPS-1329: iOS add code blanks onboarding for 47329 step by @ivan-magda in #1158
- Release 1.68 by @ivan-magda in #1153
Full Changelog: v1.67...v1.68
Release 1.67
What's Changed
- GitHub Actions: Bump gradle/actions/wrapper-validation from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1147
- Bump rexml from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /androidHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #1142
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions by @ivan-magda in #1148
- [Android] Fix StageImplementationFragment crash by @XanderZhu in #1149
- ALTAPPS-1323: Shared research analytic logging issue by @XanderZhu in #1145
- ALTAPPS-1318: Shared, iOS code blanks variable block type by @ivan-magda in #1150
- ALTAPPS-1318: Shared code blanks variable block type improvements by @ivan-magda in #1151
- ALTAPPS-1325: iOS remove "My" prefix from the app name in App Store by @ivan-magda in #1152
- Release 1.67 by @ivan-magda in #1146
Full Changelog: v1.66...v1.67
Release 1.66
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1294: iOS fix failed to show full content length in table problem bottom sheet by @ivan-magda in #1121
- ALTAPPS-1288: iOS improve table problem with one option flow by @ivan-magda in #1124
- ALTAPPS-1308: Shared speed up code submissions evaluation for beginners by removing linters by @ivan-magda in #1125
- iOS/Android: Revert autocomplete duplication symbols logic by @vladkash in #1119
- ALTAPPS-1289: Android improve table problem with one option flow by @XanderZhu in #1129
- ALTAPPS-1316: Remove code generation with errors feature by @ivan-magda in #1127
- ALTAPPS-1315: Shared, iOS code blanks add enter logic by @ivan-magda in #1128
- ALTAPPS-1313: Shared, Android skip suggestion by @XanderZhu in #1126
- ALTAPPS-1289: Hide singleChoice table problem confirm button by @XanderZhu in #1134
- ALTAPPS-1313: Shared, Android make primary comments action available for theory step by @XanderZhu in #1135
- Bundler: Bump fastlane from 2.221.1 to 2.222.0 in /androidHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #1130
- Bundler: Bump fastlane from 2.221.1 to 2.222.0 in /iosHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #1131
- Rename skip to postpone to sustain consistency with web by @vladkash in #1137
- ALTAPPS-1314: iOS skip suggestion by @ivan-magda in #1136
- ALTAPPS-1189: iOS fix "undefined" values in fill blanks problem because the highlight language is not supported by @ivan-magda in #1139
- ALTAPPS-1317: Shared sync access to the features map & content trial refactoring by @XanderZhu in #1138
- ALTAPPS-1321: iOS fix attempt is outdated when creating submission by @ivan-magda in #1143
- ALTAPPS-1317: Shared fix subscription management is not available for MobileContentTrial subscription by @XanderZhu in #1144
- Release 1.66 by @ivan-magda in #1122
Full Changelog: v1.65.1...v1.66
Hotfix 1.65.1
Release 1.65
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1290: Shared, iOS improve track switching flow by @ivan-magda in #1110
- ALTAPPS-1303: Shared, Android mobile content trial by @XanderZhu in #1111
- ALTAPPS-1309: iOS mobile content trial by @ivan-magda in #1113
- ALTAPPS-1299: Shared, iOS code blanks problem type first iteration by @ivan-magda in #1109
- ALTAPPS-1303: Fix limits are visible in GamificationToolbar after step solving by @XanderZhu in #1114
- ALTAPPS-1291: Android improve track switching flow by @XanderZhu in #1115
- Bump rexml from 3.2.9 to 3.3.2 in /androidHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #1112
- ALTAPPS-769: iOS badges wrapping view by @ivan-magda in #1116
- ALTAPPS-1301: Shared, Android root topics section pagination by @XanderZhu in #1117
- ALTAPPS-1302: iOS root topics section pagination by @ivan-magda in #1118
- Shared: Fix project selection for TEAM_MEMBER users by @XanderZhu in #1120
- Release 1.65 by @ivan-magda in #1108
Full Changelog: 1.64...v1.65
Release 1.64
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1283: Android step comments by @XanderZhu in #1104
- ALTAPPS-1300: Android upgrade target sdk to 34 by @XanderZhu in #1105
- Release 1.64 by @ivan-magda in #1103
Full Changelog: v1.63.1...1.64
Hotfix 1.63.1
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1304: Revert R8 fullMode by @XanderZhu in #1106
Full Changelog: v1.63...v1.63.1