First of all, thank you for your effort to improve this action. This guide will help you regarding various aspects like putting issues, contributing a feature, etc.
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please read the full text so that you can read which actions may or may not be tolerated.
Before submitting your pull request make sure the following requirements are fulfilled:
Option 1: Full/Internal Collaborator Status
- Check for your contributor/collaboator repository status
- Check for your contributor/collaboator repository permissions
- Clone the repository
- Ensure main branch is branch protected.
- Create a new branch for your contribution.
- Do an initial fetch and pull with IDE or CDE enviornment
- Confirm back to team repository maintainer(s)
- Copy the commit template and story under [~/git-configs/.gitcommit.tmpl.txt] locally.
- Download or copy the sample .gitcommit temaplate from ./.github/local-config/..
- Edit per repo ./.gitconfig .. see below as follows.
- Make a 1st commit and confirm successful push or troubleshoot, with repository maintainer, the config issues.
- Change necessary code for bug fix, a new feature
- Check linting and format it
- Create a new Pull Request.
- Contact PR approvers.
Option 2: External Contributor Status
- Fork the repository
- Create a branch from main
- Run per language {package-manager-init} in the repository root
- Check, and update,
to exclude any package management,.env
files or locations of stored secrets. - Change necessary code for bug fix, a new feature
- Check linting and format it
- Create a new Pull Request.
- Contact PR approvers.
Before submitting an issue, you need to make sure:
- Use the
issue picker under GitHub Issues.
- These use GitHub Issue forms* beta.
- Kindly provide an adequate description and a clear title
- If a field is not absent, these issue can be edited in plain markdown once submitted.
- Supply your contact information or GitHub handle/url. Note, will be public, so disclose with care..
- Write a summary of how to address the issue.
- List the steps to reproduce the issue.
- Ask or list any questions or clarifications.
- Update the labels as necessary.
Replace the following in a file called .gitconfig
or .gitconfig-team
at root of the project.
Team Member Name
[email protected]
filemode = false
logallrefupdates = true
bare = false
sharedRepository = true
autocrlf = true
name = Team Member Name
email = [email protected]
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
template = ~/.gitconfigs/.gitcommit.tmpl.txt
cleanup = default
[remote "origin"]
url = [email protected]:organization/repo.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "main"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/main
postBuffer = 524288000
[includeIf "gitdir:~/path/to/repo/"]
path = .gitconfig-team
co = checkout
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status
.gitconfig-team needs testing and editing before deployment.