
iTowns Tutorial
Hello and welcome to iTowns community!
This tutorial can be useful for beginners in iTowns and Javascript but also for more experienced users. We start from scratch with basic setups, then we show how to use the API to display what we want with just few lines of code. Then the last part covers some more evolved visualisation/interaction. Let’s start!
+- What is it ? | 2. Quick start | 3. Architecture | 4. Using the API | 5. Going Further
1. What is it?
iTowns is a Three.js-based framework written in Javascript/WebGL for visualizing 3D geospatial data.
It can connect to WMS/WMTS/TMS servers including elevation data and load many different data formats (3dTiles, gpx, KML and much much more).
iTowns has been redesigned from this early version.
2. Quick start
The whole rendering of iTowns relies on WebGL to get the power of the GPU. So the first thing you can do is to verify that your browser supports WebGL. An easy way to do this is to check this iTowns example:
If it doesn’t work, try to update your browser (It works best on Chrome but it works also fine on Firefox) and your graphic card drivers. You can also check https://get.webgl.org/ to get more information.
Here we present 3 possible ways to get/use iTowns. You can:
+- Get it through npm -> getting directly itowns as a module
+- Download a bundle from our github release page -> getting directly itowns as a script JS
+- Get the source and run in using npm -> the developer way
1. Get it through npm -> getting directly itowns as a module
For this solution, you need to get Node.js (it comes with its Node Package Manager). Be careful if you are behind a proxy to specify it (https://medium.com/@patdhlk/node-js-and-npm-behind-a-proxy-111708b82718)
In your project root directory:
npm install --save itowns
This package contains the ES6-compatible sources of Itowns.
If you’re using a module bundler (like wepback), you can directly require(‘itowns’) in your code.
2. Download a bundle from our github release page -> getting directly itowns as a script JS
We provide a bundle on our release page that you can directly include in your html files that exposes itowns in window:
<script src="node_modules/itowns/dist/itowns.js"></script>
/!\ Please note that this bundle also contains the dependencies.
3. Get the source and run it using npm -> the developer way
For this solution, you need to get Node.js (it comes with its Node Package Manager). Be careful if you are behind a proxy to specify it (https://medium.com/@patdhlk/node-js-and-npm-behind-a-proxy-111708b82718)
This solution has some advantages as it provides you with the most recent code (last master) and also allows you to code in iTowns with automatic compilation and refresh of your browser.
If you have git :
git clone https://github.com/iTowns/itowns
Or you can directly download the zip containing the source code at https://github.com/iTowns/itowns/archive/master.zip
Install dependencies
In your chosen root directory of iTowns:
npm install
+npm start
Using npm start is very practical because it’ll restart automatically the application everytime you save the sources on modifications
You need a webserver to test iTowns locally on your computer. NPM can do it for you but you can also use Apache or Python simple http server or anything else you prefer :)
3. Using the API
Supported data types
+- Aerial imagery
+- Elevation model
+- Vector
+- Meshes
Suppported protocols
+- Images:
+– jpg
+– png
+- Data:
+– Json
+– GeoJson
+– XML
+– KML
+– GPX
API documentation and demo
You can find an API documentation here
+If you want to play with a demonstration, please click here
Let’s start with a simple example
We are going to have a look on the index.html.
You can launch the index.html sample code by accessing your localhost directly. For example, in itowns root directory:
+npm start
Then open your browser with localhost as url (precise the port, default :8080), you should see this:
+A globe with 4 different imagery layers and 2 layers for the elevation. Let’s now look at the code producing this visualization: /itowns/index.html

You can see that we import 4 external scripts. Only itowns.js is mandatory
<script src="examples/GUI/dat.gui/dat.gui.min.js"></script>
+<script src="examples/GUI/GuiTools.js"></script>
+<script src="dist/itowns.js"></script>
+<script src="dist/debug.js"></script>
+- dat.gui.min.js : Source code for the menu.
+- GuiTools.js: Some itowns specific code related to the menu
+- itowns.js: itowns source code
+- debug.js: Some optional debug functions
Minimal code: If we would like to show just the globe without a menu and debug functions and only two layers it would look like this more simple snippet:
+ <head>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ html {height: 100%}
+ body { margin: 0; overflow:hidden; height:100%}
+ #viewerDiv {margin : auto auto; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0;}
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="viewerDiv"></div>
+ <script src="dist/itowns.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var positionOnGlobe = { longitude: 2.351323, latitude: 48.856712, altitude: 25000000 };
+ var viewerDiv = document.getElementById('viewerDiv');
+ var globeView = new itowns.GlobeView(viewerDiv, positionOnGlobe);
+ itowns.Fetcher.json('examples/layers/JSONLayers/Ortho.json').then(function(result) { return globeView.addLayer(result); });
+ itowns.Fetcher.json('examples/layers/JSONLayers/WORLD_DTM.json').then(function(result) { return globeView.addLayer(result); });
+ </script>
+ </body>
Line by line explanation
First step is to create a HTML div where iTowns will be displayed:
<div id="viewerDiv"></div>
We then import itowns source code (dist/ is the default directory if used npm run build):
<div id="dist/itowns.js"></div>
Then we enter the code to show the globe. We specify a position to initialize camera position:
<script type="text/javascript">
+ /* global itowns,document,GuiTools*/
+ var positionOnGlobe = { longitude: 2.351323, latitude: 48.856712, altitude: 25000000 };
We create a GlobeView and specify where to render it (viewerDiv) and the initial camera position (positionOnGlobe):
const viewerDiv = document.getElementById('viewerDiv');
+const globeView = new itowns.GlobeView(viewerDiv, positionOnGlobe);
Finally we tell itowns GlobeView what data we want do display. Here we specify two WMTS providers, one for aerial imagery (ortho.json) and the other for elevation data (WORLD_DTM.json)
itowns.Fetcher.json('examples/layers/JSONLayers/Ortho.json').then(function(result) { return globeView.addLayer(result); });
+itowns.Fetcher.json('examples/layers/JSONLayers/WORLD_DTM.json').then(function(result) { return globeView.addLayer(result); });
Those two JSON comes with others to access specific data. You can play with the few json samples that you can find here: examples/layers/JSONLayers/

For the WMTS as for the WMS protocol, the description is standard. Here is the example to display the ortho imagery WMTS from IGN: (Keep in mind that it will work in localhost with the given key but you will need a geoportal key to make it work on a distant server. You create your own key for IGN services here)
+ "type": "color",
+ "protocol": "wmts",
+ "id": "Ortho",
+ "url": "http://wxs.ign.fr/(your_geoportal_key)/geoportail/wmts",
+ "networkOptions": {
+ "crossOrigin": "anonymous"
+ },
+ "updateStrategy": {
+ "type": "0",
+ "options": {}
+ },
+ "options": {
+ "attribution" : {
+ "name":"IGN",
+ "url":"http://www.ign.fr/"
+ },
+ "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
+ "tileMatrixSet": "PM",
+ }
tileMatrixSetLimits are optional.
We also incorporated an example for OpenStreetMap (examples/layers/JSONLayers/OPENSM.json), even if not following the usual url for wmts, you can use a custom url:
"customUrl": "http://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/%TILEMATRIX/%COL/%ROW.png"

From the index.html you can do many things using the API. You can check the documented functions here
We try to create demos that represent different functionalities of iTowns so feel free to check some of them here
4. Architecture
Let’s have a look on iTowns architecture. We give here a view with 3 diagrams showing how the code is organized.
original image size
original image

original image
iTowns is using THREEJS as the graphic library. It is a very powerful library, well documented. Have a look on it here: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/
+This gives to iTowns a very strong usability and an easy start for 3D projects. iTowns is basically relying on THREEJS for all graphics computation, and adds specific algorithms to handle very large scale rendering such as RTC (Relative To Center) for example.
Important classes:
This is the graphic engine of iTowns. It handles the rendering functions, RTC rendering, scene graph.
+Attributes of this class uses some of THREE JS main objects such as:
+– THREE.WebGLRenderer -> The main renderer
+– THREE.WebGLRenderTarget -> for the picking (to get 3D position on click)
This class is responsible for the render calls through this.renderScene. (Beware when coding that this function is called or you won’t see any of your added objects in the scene as iTowns doesn’t use a continuous render loop on requestanimatedframe for ex.)
+- This class controls the camera with the mouse, the keyboard and functions, for example: rotation, tilt, heading etc. by doing
CRTL + Click
or by using functions such as setTilt(), setRange(), setCameraTargetGeoPosition()…
+- This class creates an iTowns scene instance. It allows to add layers to the scene and to get layers from the scene.
+- This class creates the viewer Globe (the globe of iTowns). It’s an extend of the View class. In addition of this last one, GlobeView allows to remove layers from the scene and dispatch events concerning these layers.
+- This class allows to build a Coordinates object, given a crs and a number of coordinates value. Coordinates can be in geocentric system, geographic system or an instance of THREE.Vector3.
+- This package is where sit the providers for the different data you want to access. For example:
+– WMTS_Provider
+– WMS_Provider
+– 3dTiles_Providers
+- It also contains ioDrivers, ie, the low level classes to interpret data such as XBIL, a binary format for elevation tiles.
Some useful API functions
Example: removeLayer
To remove a layer you have to use the function removeLayer(layerId)
Example: Change layers attributes and events
To change the attributes of a layer, you must first get the layer on which you want to act
var myLayer = globeView.getLayers(layer => layer.id === 'layerId');
You can then change the values of the attributes:
myLayer.visible = false;
+myLayer.opacity = 0.5
Control functions
Control functions are essentially functions to deal with the camera with different behaviour depending if looking a globe view or a planar view. You can use already existing controls from THREEJS or the one we specifically created:
+- Renderer/ThreeExtended/PlanarControls.js
+- Renderer/ThreeExtended/GlobeControls.js
Regarding the globe view:
+functions are accessible via the object: globeView.controls
+Every set
functions have the optional isAnimated
parameter: its allows to move the globe/camera with an animation when it is setted to true. By default, it is setted to true.
Example: setCameraTargetGeoPosition(position, isAnimated) & getCameraTargetGeoPosition() (Center)
globeView.controls.setCameraTargetGeoPosition({longitude:60, latitude:40}, true);
Example: setOrbitalPosition(position, isAnimated) && getCameraOrientation()
globeView.controls.setOrbitalPosition({heading: 45, tilt: 50}, true);
For further functions, please see the documentation here
Using iTowns global functions
These functions are accessible via the object itowns
, see documentation
Example: moveLayerDown(view, layerId)
itowns.ColorLayersOrdering.moveLayerDown(globeView, 'idLayerToDown');
Layers Events
Every layers events regarding layers are dispatched on the layer which has undergone the changes:
var myLayer = globeView.getLayers(layer => layer.id === 'layerId');
+myLayer.addEventListener('visible-property-changed', callback);
+myLayer.addEventListener('opacity-property-changed', callback);
+myLayer.addEventListener('sequence-property-changed', callback);
Controls Events
Every controls events are dispatched on the control object:
+globeView.controls('camera-target-changed', callback);
+globeView.controls('orientation-changed', callback);
+globeView.controls('range-changed', callback);
Globe Events
Every globe events are dispatched on the view (in our example, on globeView):
+globeView.addEventListener('initialized', callback);
+globeView.addEventListener('layer-added', callback);
+globeView.addEventListener('layer-removed', callback);
+globeView.addEventListener('layers-order-changed', callback);
5. Going Further
Show Building Boxes using a WFS
Let’s have a look on the example providing buildings out of a WFS: http://www.itowns-project.org/itowns/examples/globe_wfs_extruded.html
In your editor, open the main script : itowns/examples/globe_wfs_extruded.js
+- Remove all the WFS layers but keep wfsBuilding
+- Change its level to 16 (zoom level at which it starts requesting through WFS).
+-> It should be faster.
+- Now let’s try to replace the aerial imagery layer with an OSM one using the DARK.json configuration file.
+- Let’s make the buildings look darker. In colorBuildings() function, change to a darker color. (Remember that an easy way to use colors is with hexadecimal RGB: 0xRRGGBB. -> 0xFFFFFF is white)
+- Let’s center the view to Paris la Défense: longitude: 2.242259, latitude: 48.891927
You should see something looking like this:

Manipulate Shaders
Let’s see what’s happening with the existing shaders for the globe, how do we use elevation and imagery?
The globe is composed of tile meshes. A tile is a scene object that have a geometry and a material. Tiles geometry surface are adapted to the level of details but the number of triangles of a tile geometry is constant. So if you look at the earth from far, a tile triangle might have a very large surface, and when you get close to the ground a triangle might have edges of 0.5 meters. iTowns applies the same principle as many 2D map rendering to 3D in order to handle efficiently tiles mapping:

Debug mode
iTowns offers a Debug mode which allows you to visualize the different tiles and also to display them in a wireframe mode:
To display it, you can add the following lines in your index.html:
<script src="dist/debug.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ new debug.Debug(globeView, viewerDiv);
+ window.globeView = globeView;

In src/Renderer/Shader you can find the different shaders as a GLSL form used in iTowns.
+They can be written also in javascript after compilation, which is the case here as we mix glsl file with javascript declaration.
The globe is, as we said previously, composed by tiles. Each tiles as a shadermaterial composed by a vertex and fragment shader: TileVS.glsl, TileFS.glsl. Let’s have a look on the vertex shader first, which handles the geometry of the tile.
Vertex Shader
The vertex shader receive a geometry which is a generic tile so without taking elevation into account. One of is job is to deform the geometry to reproduce the terrain. It does that using elevation texture coming out of WMTS elevation services. Each tile has one texture of encoded elevation. So it is straightforward to do some vertex displacement toward the normal using this altitude.
float dv = max(texture2D( dTextures_00[0], vVv ).w, 0.);
+ vPosition = vec4( position + vNormal * dv ,1.0 );
You can try to accentuate the elevation disparity addind a coefficient:
vPosition = vec4( position + vNormal * dv * 10. ,1.0 );
See the result:
We keep adding new documented examples regularly, so don’t forget to check the new ones here:
For any bug or improvements it happens here: https://github.com/iTowns/itowns/issues
Have fun using itowns!