+1::tada: | First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍 |
Feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
Due to the fact that we support only the production and the development versions, for now only 2 branchs are present: master, and devel.
- master is the stable branch. Production tags are created starting from this branch.
- devel is the development branch. Tags created starting from this branch are subject to a certification process.
The following diagram highlights the interactions between the branches and the merging and tagging strategy: 
For now, actually there are no tags created yet, so we've always used the HEAD of the branches.
Developers should have 2 remote repositories (which is the typical GitHub workflow):
- origin : cloned from your private fork done on GitHub
- upstream : add it via git remote add upstream and pointing to the blessed repository: [email protected]:DIRACGrid/Pilot.git (or https://github.com/DIRACGrid/Pilot.git using https protocol)
Issue tracking for the project is [here in github](https://github.com/DIRACGrid/Pilot/issues).
The contributions are subject to reviews.
Pylint is run regularly on the source code. The .pylintrc file defines the expected coding rules and peculiarities.
Unit tests are provided within the source code. Integration, regression and system tests are instead in the tests directory.