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This Confluent Cloud setup guide will help you to setup a basic cluster in your Confluent Cloud account.



Installation (only need to do that once)

Install Terraform

brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
brew update
brew upgrade hashicorp/tap/terraform

Install jq

brew install jq

Install curl

brew install curl


Start docker desktop (required, otherwise Prometheus/Grafana will not work)

Provision services for the demo

Set environment variables

Confluent Platform

export CONFLUENT_CLOUD_API_KEY="Enter credentials here"
export CONFLUENT_CLOUD_API_SECRET="Enter credentials here"

MongoDB Atlas

export MONGODB_ATLAS_PUBLIC_KEY="Enter credentials here"
export MONGODB_ATLAS_PRIVATE_KEY="Enter credentials here"
export MONGODB_ATLAS_PROJECT_ID="Enter MongoDB Atalas Project ID here"
export MONGODB_ATLAS_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS="Enter the CIDR range(s) allowed to access MongoDB (including your own public WAN IP CIDR), or allow all, for example:"

Initialize a new or existing Terraform working directory

terraform init

Generates a speculative execution Terraform plan

terraform plan

Creates or updates infrastructure according to Terraform configuration files (it should take 10 to 15mins to complete)

terraform apply

View Grafana dashboards

IMPORTANT: It can take around 10mins to start seeing all the data in Grafana once the terraform apply command is completed

  • Open local instance of Grafana (http://localhost:3000)
    • userid: admin
    • password: password
  • Select Option to Browse Dashboards
  • Open Confluent Cloud Dashboard


To view Prometheus config, open local instance of Prometheus (http://localhost:9090)

Based on

Destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure (once done with the demo)

terraform destroy

Demo details

  1. Create Environment on Confluent Cloud ( named demo-terraform-XXXXXXXX (where XXXXXXXX is a random hexadecimal value, e.g., a492d37e)
  2. Create Schema Registry on AWS us-east-2
  3. Create Basic/single-zone Kafka cluster on AWS us-east-1 named cc-demo-cluster
  4. Create ksqlDB cluster named ksql-dev-cluster-XXXXXXXX
  • Tables:
    • USERS
      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id STRING PRIMARY KEY) WITH (kafka_topic='demo-users', value_format='AVRO');
  • Streams:
      CREATE STREAM IF NOT EXISTS pageviews WITH (kafka_topic='demo-pageviews', value_format='AVRO');
      CREATE STREAM IF NOT EXISTS pageviews_female AS SELECT AS userid, pageid, regionid, gender FROM pageviews LEFT JOIN users ON pageviews.userid = WHERE gender = 'FEMALE' EMIT CHANGES
      CREATE STREAM IF NOT EXISTS accomplished_female_readers WITH (kafka_topic='demo-accomplished_female_readers', value_format='AVRO') AS SELECT * FROM pageviews_female WHERE CAST(SPLIT(PAGEID,'_')[2] as INT) >= 50 EMIT CHANGES;
  1. Create two DataGen source connectors:
  • DSC_users sourcing data to the topic demo-users, example:
  "registertime": 1503444855507,
  "userid": "User_1",
  "regionid": "Region_9",
  "gender": "MALE"

  "": "ksql.users",
  "fields": [
      "name": "registertime",
      "type": "long"
      "name": "userid",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "regionid",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "gender",
      "type": "string"
  "name": "users",
  "namespace": "ksql",
  "type": "record"
  • DSC_pageviews sourcing data to the topic demo-pageviews, example:
  "viewtime": 1341,
  "userid": "User_6",
  "pageid": "Page_38"

  "": "ksql.pageviews",
  "fields": [
      "name": "viewtime",
      "type": "long"
      "name": "userid",
      "type": "string"
      "name": "pageid",
      "type": "string"
  "name": "pageviews",
  "namespace": "ksql",
  "type": "record"
  1. Create MongoDB M0 (free tier) cluster on AWS us-east-1 named terraformDemo (IMPORTANT: Only one free-tier cluster is allowed per Atlas account)
  2. Add entry to the Network Access tab (Atlas):
  • IP Address: (or as set on env variable MONGODB_ATLAS_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS)
  • Comment: cidr block for terraformDemo
  1. Add entry to the Database Access tab (Atlas):
  • User name: mongodb-demo
  • Password: 16 chars randomly generated
    • Type terraform output -json after running terraform apply to view the password and MongoDB connection string
  • Auth Method: SCRAM
  • MongoDB Roles:
    • readWrite@confluent_demo
    • dbAdmin@confluent_demo
  • Resources: All resources
  1. MongoDB Database named terraformDemo
  2. Create MongoDB Atlas Sink connector named confluent-mongodb-sink
  • A new collection will be created to the MongoDB database named confluent_demo.accomplished_female_readers, see example of document below (from topic demo-accomplished_female_readers)
_id: 63fcedd6f11f041d35ce6f88
PAGEID: "Page_83"
REGIONID: "Region_1"
  1. The Terraform code will also create Service Accounts, ACLs and API Keys
  2. Run docker compose (docker-compose.yaml)

Terraform files

  • Main system variables (change it as needed)
    • confluentinc/confluen
    • mongodb/mongodbatlas
    • scottwinkler/shell (To provision ksqlDB SQL tables/streams via HTTPS)
    • hashicorp/external (To read env variables)
    • Confluent Cloud Environment
    • Schema Registry
    • Apache Kafka Cluster
    • Service Accounts (app_manager, sr, clients)
    • Role Bindings (app_manager, sr, clients)
    • Credentials / API Keys (app_manager, sr, clients)
    • Service Accounts (Connectors)
    • Access Control List
    • Credentials / API Keys
    • Create Kafka topics for the DataGen Connectors
    • DataGen Connectors
    • Service Accounts (ksqlDB)
    • Role Bindings (ksqlDB, ksqlDB for SR)
    • ksqlDB Dev Cluster
    • Credentials / API Keys (REST Management)
    • SQL Queries (Shell scripts)
    • Create free tier cluster (only one allowed per Atlas account)
    • Whitelist IP Address
    • Create DB user
    • MongoDB Sink Connector
    • Start Prometheus and Grafana (local instances using docker)

Stream lineage on Confluent Cloud:
