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Igor Silva edited this page Jul 22, 2022 · 32 revisions

DTH Manual


1. Technologies

2. Running Stream Fitness

3. System Resources

3.1 Dashboard

3.2 Users

3.2.1 Edit

3.2.2 Show

3.2.3 Delete

3.3 Events

3.3.1 Edit

3.3.2 Show

3.3.3 Delete

3.4 Groups

3.5 Podcasts

3.6 Library

3.7 Schedule

3.8 Custom Settings

4. System Rules

5. Releases

6. Next Steps

1. Technologies

Ruby 2.7.4

Rails 6.1.4




2. Running DTH

First, is necessary to clone the project from main branch: git clone [email protected]:sygnalgroup/dth-api.git

After clone, got to the project folder and run bundle and then yarn commands to install all gems of the project.

Run rails db:create to create the project database.

Run rails db:migrate to apply all Schema alterations.

To use this project properly, is necessary to replace the credential files inside the project. Ask for an administrator the updated credential files, then go to project folder Config > Credentials and replace the files. With system console, run EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit --environment development command to edit YOUR database information access (username and password).

On terminal, run rails s and the system should be able to be used at any navigator with the link http://localhost:3000/

3. System Resources

3.1 Dashboard tab: TBD

3.2 Users

Users tab: Listing all persons registered on the system, showing what kind of user the are: if it is a student or a coach, email, phone and how many following and followers they have. Yet on the same place, three buttons are available: Edit, Show and Delete.

Yet on users tab, are available 2 other buttons: New user and All Users.

New user button will open a screen to register a fresh new user will all information's.

All Users button will serve for show only Coach's, only student's or all users, depending of what option is selected.

3.2.1 Edit

This button will open a screen where can be edited user info like First name, Last name, Phone, Email, if this user is a coach or not by checking or unchecking the "Coach" box and the profile photo by clicking on "Search" button and uploading a new image. Location info can be edited, like Street, City, State and Zip code. All the Social Network Info can be edited too: Tiktok, Instagram, Business name and Bio.

At the end of this page, two buttons are available: Save and Back to User list.

Save button will save all the alterations made.

Back to User list will take you back to previous page (User list).

3.2.1 Show

This button will open a screen who shows all user information's like Name, Email, Coach, Phone, Business Name, Instagram, TikTok, Street, City, State, Zip code, number of Following and Followers. If the User is a Coach, will be available a button to add New Students for him, and if the user is a Student, will be available a button do add New Coaches.

3.2.1 Delete


3.3 Events tab:

This tab will show all events created by a Coach. Will be displayed: created at, title, description, start date, end date and ads.

Will be available too a button named New event, to create a fresh new event.

3.3.1 Edit

On this tab, will be possible edit all the information's registered when the event was created.

Save button will save all the alterations made.

Back to User list will take you back to previous page (User list).

3.3.2 Show

3.3.3 Delete

3.4 Groups tab:

3.5 Podcast tab:

3.6 Library tab:

3.7 Schedule tab:

3.8 Custom Settings tab:

4. System Rules

5. Releases

6. Next Steps

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