Single Page Application
- One page, request data from server as need and render/update on that single page
- i.e. Ajax
Multi Pages Application
- Multiple pages
- linking different pages using url link
Javascript ES6 template literal syntax
- use the apostrophy(above the tab key), $, and {} for syntax
HTML5 History API
- In single page app, the url may not change as it update the page contents.
- It is helpful to chnage the url to give user context and references, like history
- Javescript can change this
- push/update the state of the url
- back button on the browser
- pushState and onpopstat - pages visited history for broswer backward button
*** Windowing***
- Javascript have class of window object that represent the window size
- Use these feature to create different behaviors
javascript templating the HTML
Render in the broswer vs jinger2/flask is render on the server
handlebar helper, extension for html, give programmable features
Use template to generate same block of the html with different contents
- CSS Animation
- @keyframes
scalable vector graphic
- javescript library for creating chart and graphic
- create animation on the graphic