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Releases: isce-framework/dolphin


29 Nov 16:26
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What's Changed


  • MiniStackPlanner and MiniStackInfo class which does the planning for how a large stack of SLCs will be processed in batches.
    • Previously this was done at run time in We want to separate that out to view the plan in advance/allow us to dispatch the work to multiple machines.
  • CompressedSlcInfo class added to track the attributes of a compressed SLC file created during the workflow.
  • Added better/more complete metadata to the compressed SLC Geotiff tags, including the phase reference date
  • config: phase_linking.max_compressed_slcs to cap the number of compressed SLCs added during large-stack sequential workflows
  • interferogram: Add ability to specify manual dates for a Network/VRTInterferogram, which lets us re-interfere the phase-linking results


  • Date functions have been moved from dolphin.utils to dolphin._dates. They are accessible at dolphin.get_dates, etc
  • get_dates now uses datetime.datetime instead of, so missions like DeltaX won't be impossible to process
  • VRTStack has been moved to The minstack planning functions have been removed to focus the class on just reading input GDAL rasters.


  • When starting with Compressed SLCs in the list of input SLCs, the workflows will now recognize them, find the correct reference date, and form all the correct interferograms


  • Extra subsetting functions from VRTStack have been removed, as they are not used in the workflow and the reimplmenent simple GDAL calls.
  • CPURecorder and GPURecorder have been removed to simplify code. May be moved to separate repo.

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0


13 Nov 18:53
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What's Changed

  • convert dolphin.opera_utils to use external opera_utils in #158

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1


07 Nov 21:24
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What's Changed


  • opera_utils.get_missing_data_options to parse the full list of SLCs and return possible subsets which have the same dates used for all Burst IDs
  • PsWorkflow class for running just the PS estimation workflow
  • asv benchmark setup
  • @atomic_output decorator for long running write processes, to avoid partially-written output files


  • removed minimum_images as an argument from opera_utils.group_by_burst. Checking for too-few images now must be done by the caller
  • opera_utils.group_by_burst now matches the official product name more robustly, but still returns the lowered version of the burst ID.
  • Split up config models for easier partial workflow running (e.g. on AWS)
  • The s1_disp workflow has been renamed to displacement, since it is not specific to Sentinel-1.
  • The configuration was refactored to enable smaller workflow
    • The Workflow config class has been renamed to DisplacementWorkflow.
    • A PsWorkflow config class has been added for the PS estimation workflow.
    • A WorkflowBase encompasses some of the common configuration options.


  • ruff has replaced isort/black/flake8 in the pre-commit checks

Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0


10 Oct 18:55
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1


10 Oct 01:28
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Bumping minor version due to the number of changes since 0.4.0

Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.5.0

Full Changelog since 0.4.0: v0.4.0...v0.5.0


07 Oct 01:31
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  • Ability to unwrap using isce3's PHASS
  • CorrectionOptions model for specifying the correction options in the Workflow config
    • Currently a placeholder for the files which will be used for tropospheric/ionospheric corrections
  • Ability to keep relative files in the Workflow config
    • This is useful for keeping the relative paths to the SLCs in the config, and then running the workflow from a different directory


  • Instead of specifying the unwrapping algorithm in dolphin unwrap as --use-icu, the option is not --unwrap-method
    • This let's us add --unwrap-method "phass", but also future unwrap methods without a --use-<name> for every one
  • Use spawn instead of fork for parallel burst multiprocessing


04 Oct 01:32
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  • use_evd option to force the use of eigenvalue decomposition instead of the EMI phase linking algorithm
  • Walkthrough tutorial notebook


  • Moved all OPERA_ variables to a new module dolphin.opera_utils.
    • Other OPERA-specific quirks have been moved to the separate disp-s1 repo,
      but the functions remaining are the ones that seem most broadly useful to sweets
      and other users working with burst SLCs.
    • Changed the burst regex to be able to match COMPASS and the official product name
  • Removed WorkflowName for separating stack vs single
    • The name didn't really provide benefit, as the real differences came from other configuration options
  • Internals for which functions are called in
  • Docker image now has tophu installed

Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2


08 Sep 02:45
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Add back isce3 to avoid optional dependencies


07 Sep 17:45
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Split disp-s1 out from dolphin to limit SAS-specific code. This lets us move the core library in dolphin to the isce-framework org.


  • Added tbb to prevent numba crashes.
  • Dropped h5netcdf, pillow
  • Made isce3 an optional requirement for unwrapping

Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.4.0


31 Aug 18:26
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Patch release for the MANIFEST + data files.