PORT v0.8.3-beta 1/23/2017
Config file has been updated
added HOST_NAME option for head node job submission.
added head node job submission option (HOST_NAME in config)
intermediate files in gzip format
mitochondrial chromosome not filtered (highexp steps deals with highly expressed features).
performs intergenic region quantification and outputs spreadsheets (exon-intron-junction level).
requests more memory if jobs exit without error (
sam2genes step splits files into 5million lines in each temp file (2.5million when -norm option is used).
delete sam2genes temp files right after cat_genes_files step.
delete fasta and blastdb files generated in blast step immediately.
Bug fixes
delete existing temp files before splitting files in sam2genes step.
queue update for large datasets (genefilter, run_shuf and make_final_spreadsheet step)
request more memory in filtersam step when # of ribosomal reads > 30mil.
ribopercents memory 10G -> 3G.
but fix in
sam format check for the entire sam in filtersam step
print chromosome list discrepancy warning once.
create new STATS directory in PART1 when -alt_out option is used.
You can’t perform that action at this time.