Releases: itmat/Normalization
Releases · itmat/Normalization
the following bugs have been fixed:
- unnecessary step for non-stranded data removed
- modified
- samtools location needs to be specified in the config file
- fixed to work with all chr names
- unique merge sam for gene norm fixed
v0.6-beta - 11/5/2014
- New config file.
- Exon-Intron-Junction Normalization outputs normalized exonmappers, intronmappers, and intergenicmappers separately (instead of outputting one final normalized sam/bam file for each sample).
- PORT now supports stranded data. Sense and antisense spreadsheets and sam/bam files will be provided at the end of the pipeline.
- Highly expressed introns added to the list of normalization factors.
v0.5-beta - 9/28/14
- Gene Normalization/Quantification and Exon-Intron-Junction Normalization/Quantification done separately.
- Normalization factors stats file combines all normalization factor statistics into one file.
- Filter high expressors removes reads that map to the high expressors.
- Config file updated.
v0.4-beta - 8/26/14
- resume and -resume_at option added
- label novel exons in exon counts spreadsheet
- gene coordinates added to gene counts spreadsheet
v0.3-beta - 8/11/2014
- Gene-level quantification step added (this will output FINAL_master_list_of_genes_counts_MIN and MAX)
v0.2-beta - 8/6/2014
- Organized/rearranged the pipeline into PART1 and PART2
- Read number prediction more accurate (unique reads), happens later in the pipeline
- Users have option to check the read numbers/high expressors before running steps in PART2
- Added strand-specific coverage option (can be set in the config file)
- Fixed bugs (compress step and script)