📖 Upload as Material in Google Classroom:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - upload the copy)
- Coding Exercise(s)
📝 Upload as Assignment in Google Classroom (5 points):
- Exit Ticket (DO NOT MAKE A COPY - upload as link)
👋 Welcome & Do Now (10) :
- Engage students and set a positive tone for the lesson.
- Direct students to complete the Do Now.
- Challenge students to try and change the password in the coding exercise.
🔀 Conditional Statements (10) :
- Discuss how conditional statements allow different actions based on different conditions.
- Go through the syntax of conditional statements.
- Emphasize the 'if' keyword, condition, 'else' keyword, and the statements that get executed based on the condition.
- Use a practical example with an image display based on a number condition.
- Have students identify the condition, and predict which block of code will execute.
🔥 Rapid Question Round (3) :
- Present a series of conditional statements and have students quickly vote if the condition evaluates to true or false
- Discuss why each condition is true or false, ensuring students understand the reasoning.
💻 Code Solo (15) :
- Students work on utilizing conditional statements.
👋 Exit Ticket & Shout Outs (5) :
- Direct students to complete the Exit Ticket in Google Classroom for Lesson 4.3 on Basic Conditional Statements.
- Remind students to double-check that they have submitted their exit tickets.
- n/a