Releases: ccxt/php-binance-api
Stable Release
Added WebSocket kline function:
Get latest candlestick data only
$api->kline(["BTCUSDT", "EOSBTC"], "5m", function($api, $symbol, $chart) {
//echo "{$symbol} ({$interval}) candlestick update\n";
$interval = $chart->i;
$tick = $chart->t;
$open = $chart->o;
$high = $chart->h;
$low = $chart->l;
$close = $chart->c;
$volume = $chart->q; // +trades buyVolume assetVolume makerVolume
echo "{$symbol} price: {$close}\t volume: {$volume}\n";
Add miniTicker() WebSocket example:
miniTicker return the latest candlestick information for every symbol
$api->miniTicker(function($api, $ticker) {
View Response
[18] => Array
[symbol] => ONTBNB
[close] => 0.37649000
[open] => 0.30241000
[high] => 0.38112000
[low] => 0.29300000
[volume] => 975240.72000000
[quoteVolume] => 326908.77744250
[eventTime] => 1523395389582
[19] => Array
[symbol] => WANBTC
[close] => 0.00063657
[open] => 0.00054151
[high] => 0.00063900
[low] => 0.00053900
[volume] => 4443618.00000000
[quoteVolume] => 2637.76413131
[eventTime] => 1523395389551
Stable Release
Many improvements by dmzoneill
You can now pass a json filename to the constructor to load your API keys and settings from there
Stable Release
Many improvements by dmzoneill, including PHP 5.6 support. Thank you!!
Stable Release
Many improvements and bug fixes by jokaorgua and dmzoneill. Thank you!!
Stable Release
Requires PHP 7!
Numerous improvements to codebase - over 20 improvements by dmzoneill including unit testing and documentation. Thanks!
Stable Release
prevDay function can return stats for all symbols (Thank you jokaorgua)
many improvements by dmzoneill, including unit testing and documentation
Stable Release
Many improvements by dmzoneill
Stable Release
Fixed userDataStream and keepAlive
Stable Release
Various improvements, Fixed userData function
Stable Release
Get all openOrders (Thank you omar8792!!)
Various improvements by dmzoneill