Datatype | info |
Int | Number |
Integer | Int with no bounds |
Float | Floating Point |
Double | Bigger Float |
Bool | True or False |
Char | Character |
Type | Explanation |
Ord | Order-able |
Eq | Equality testable |
Num | any Number |
Integral | only whole numbers |
Floating | Flaot, Double |
Ordering | GT, LT, EQ |
Show | String-able |
Read | Can be read from String |
Enum | enumerate-able |
Bounded | Have lower, upper bound |
Functor | Can be mapped over |
import module_name
import qualified mod1 as m1 -- when function names already exist in other modules use qualified, then rename mod1.func to m1.func
import mod1 (func1, func2) -- only import some functions
import mod1 hiding (func3) -- import everything except func3
import Folder_name.Own_module_name
module Module_name
) where
exported_func1 :: Num -> Num
exported_func2 ...
not_exported_func0 ...
module Folder_name.Own_module_name
scnd :: (a, b, c) -> a
scnd (_, x, _) = x
`where` clause can be used to define local variables or functions at the end of a function. Variables defined in the `where` clause are visible inside the function as well as across guards. two different ways of writing where clauses:
where x = 1
y = 2
x = 3
where (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3)
`let` lets you bind local variables or functions to be used after `in`. If there is no `in` part, it will be visible in the current scope.
let x = 1
y = 2
in x + y
[let square x = x*x in (square 1, square 2, square 3)]
like if else case
nums :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
nums x y
| z < 1 = 0
| z < 3 = ret_one
| otherwise = 2
where z = x+y
ret_one = 1
if `otherwise` is missing, the function will fall through (if there are any more)
like switch case with pattern matching
head' :: [a] -> a
head' xs = case xs of [] -> error "is empty"
(x:_) -> x
writing functions that await another parameter with the parameter behind it
3 + 4
(+ 4) 3
sum [1,2,3,4]
foldl (+) 0 [1,2,3,4]
inline function
func2 = map addNums [(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)]
where addNums (a, b) = a + b
func1 = map (\(a,b) -> a + b) [(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)]
$ … as a shorter way of writing (…)
sqrt (3 + 4 + 9)
sqrt $ 3 + 4 + 9
f (g (z x))
f $ g $ z x
map ($ 3) [(4+), (10*), (^2), sqrt]
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
f . g = \x -> f (g x)
map (\x -> negate (abs x)) [5,-3,-6,7,-3,2,-19,24]
map (negate . abs) [5,-3,-6,7,-3,2,-19,24]
type Name = String
type Number = String
type PhoneBook = [(Name, Number)]
type paramType x y = [(x, y)]
create a new datatype called Shape that can be either a Circle or a Rectangle consisting of 3/4 Flaot types
data Shape = Circle Float Float Float | Rectangle Float Float Float Float
data Shape2 = Shape2 Float deriving (Show) -- make type printable
data Shape3 a = Shape3 a a -- parameterized type
data Shape4 = Shape4 { x :: Float, y :: Float } -- will create functions x and y that return a Float
newtype is faster then data but can only have one value constructor with one field
newtype CharList = CharList { getCharList :: [Char] } deriving (Eq, Show)
module Module_name
( Shape(...) -- ... exports all value constructors
) where
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
x == y = not (x /= y)
x /= y = not (x == y)
instance Show Shape where
show Circle x y z = x ++ " " ++ y ++ " " ++ z
main = putStrLn "Hello World!"
main = do
putStrLn "Whats your name?"
name <- getLine
putStr ("Hello " ++ name ++ "!")
main = do
line <- getLine
if null line -- has to be if condition then I/O action else I/O action
then return () -- I/O action that does nothing
else do
putStrLn line -- I/O action that prints the line
return "next" -- I/O action that does nothing
a <- return "next"-- I/O action that binds "next" to a
main -- I/O action
random (mkStdGen 1) :: (Int, StdGen) -- have to specify the return type
main = toTry handler
toTry :: IO ()
toTry = do (fileName:_) <- getArgs
contents <- readFile fileName
putStrLn $ show (length (lines contents)) ++ " lines"
handler :: IOError -> IO ()
handler e
| isDoesNotExistError e = putStrLn "file missing"
| otherwise = ioError e -- throw Exception if catched wrong one
foo :: Maybe String
foo = Just 3 >>= (\x ->
Just "!" >>= (\y ->
Just (show x ++ y)))
foo :: Maybe String
foo = do
x <- Just 3
y <- Just "!"
Just (show x ++ y)
addStuff :: Int -> Int
addStuff x = let
a = (*2) x
b = (+10) x
in a+b
addStuff :: Int -> Int
addStuff = do
a <- (*2)
b <- (+10)
return (a+b)
module | function | explanation |
fmap f xs | generic map | |
putStrLn | takes String and a new line and returns an IO action | |
putStr | takes String (without a new line) an IO action | |
putChar | ||
call putStrLn with the stringified variable | ||
getLine | returns IO action from IO | |
getChar | ||
sequence xs | calls all functions in list xs | |
mapM f xs | map function f to every element in list xs and returns IO action | |
mapM_ f xs | same as mapM but throws away the result | |
getContents | read from stdin until EOF | |
interact f | stdin into f into stdout | |
Data.List | ||
head xs | give first element of list xs | |
length xs | get length of a list | |
takeWhile f xs | take elements of xs into a new list as long as f is true (takeWhile (<1000) [1..]) | |
dropWhile f xs | take elements of xs into a new list starting when f is true | |
span f xs | returns pair of lists that would have been returned b takeWhile, dropWhile | |
break f xs | same as span (not . f) xs | |
sum xs | get sum of list xs | |
map f xs | map function f to every element in list xs | |
flip x y | flip input values to y x | |
foldl f 0 xs | apply function f over list (from the left) xs with the starting value 0 | |
foldl1 f xs | apply function f over list (from the left) xs with the starting value of x:xs | |
foldr f 0 xs | apply function f over list (from the right) xs with the starting value 0 | |
foldr1 f xs | apply function f over list (from the right) xs with the starting value of xs:x | |
scanl,scanl1,scanr,scanr1 | like foldl,foldl1,foldr,foldr1 but will give a list of all intermediate values | |
intersperse ‘.’ xs | put a ‘.’ in between every element of the list xs | |
concat xs | flatten list of lists | |
intercalate xs ts | put list xs in between all lists of ts and flatten the result | |
transpose xs | switch columns and rows of the 2D matrix xs | |
and | = && | |
or | ||
union | ||
intersect | ||
any f xs | return True if any element of xs satifies f | |
all f xs | return True if all alements of xs satify f | |
iterate f x | return infinite list [f(x), f(f(x)), …] | |
splitAt x xs | split list xs into tuple at index x | |
sort xs | sort list xs | |
group xs | group following, equal list items | |
isInfixOf xs ts | return if xs is in ts | |
isPrefixOf xs ts | return if xs is in the beginning of ts | |
isSuffixOf xs ts | return if xs is at the end of ts | |
partition f xs | return pair of lists that match f, don’t match f | |
find f xs | returns the first element of xs that satisfies f | |
findIndex f xs | returns the index of the first element of xs that satisfies f | |
findIndeces f xs | returns a list of indeces of xs that satisfy f | |
elem x xs | returns wether x is an element in xs | |
elemIndex x xs | returns the index of x, if x is an element in xs | |
elemIndeces x xs | returns a list of indeces of all elements x in xs | |
zip xs | zip together two lists in a touple (also zip3, zip4, … zip7) | |
zipWith f xs | zip together two lists using f also (zipWith3, … zipWith7) | |
lines xs | return list of all xs seperated by lines | |
unlines xs | reverse lines | |
words xs | same as lines but split at ’ ’ | |
unwords xs | reverse words | |
nub xs | remove duplicates from xs | |
delete x xs | delete the first case of x in xs | |
xs \ ts | calls delete for every in element in ts on xs | |
insert x xs | insert x in xs at the left of the first bigger element (from left) | |
xs !! i | get the element at index i of the list xs | |
genericIndex | more generic !! | |
genericLength xs | returns Num instead of Int (length xs) | |
nubBy f xs | same as nub but usees f for comparison | |
on f g | = \x y -> f(g x) (g y) | |
Data.Char | ||
isControl x | x is a control character | |
isSpace, … | x is a … character | |
generalCategory x | get the general Category of char x | |
toLower x | convert character x to lower case | |
digitToInt x | turn character x into an Integer (0-F) | |
Data.Map | ||
fromList [(x, y), …] | returns Map Object from input | |
singleton x y | fromList [(x, y)] | |
insert x y m | insert (x, y) into Map m | |
null m | check if m is empty | |
size m | get m size | |
member x m | check if x is a member of m | |
map, filter | like normal map and filter | |
fromListWith f xs | like fromList but function f decides what to do with duplicate keys | |
lookup x m | lookup value of key x in Map m | |
Data.Set | no duplicates | |
fromList xs | like Data.Map.fromList | |
intersection s1 s2 | ||
difference s1 s2 | ||
union s1 s2 | ||
… | many of the same functions as in Data.Map | |
Control.Monad | ||
when cond $ f | ||
forever f | calls f forever | |
forM xs f | like mapM with switched arguments | |
System.IO | ||
openFile file mode | returns IO Handle to file using mode (ReadMode, WriteMode, AppendMode, ReadWriteMode) | |
hGetContents handle | like getContents but uses IO Handle instead of stdin | |
hClose handle | returns IO action that closes the file | |
withFile file mode f | like openFile, sends its Handle to f (which has to return an IO action), closes Handle | |
hGetLine | ||
hPutStrLn | ||
… | ||
readFile file | reads file, returns IO String | |
writeFile file str | writes str to file | |
appendFile file str | ||
hSetBuffering handle mode | change buffer method/size | |
hFlush handle | flushes Handle | |
openTempFile dir file_name | create temp file file_name… in dir, returns (FilePath, IO Handle) | |
System.IO.Error | ||
catch IOf f | if IOf throws an IOError, the Handler f then decides what to do | |
ioeGetFileName e | takes IOError and returns Maybe FilePath | |
System.Directory | ||
removeFile file | ||
renameFile file to | ||
System.Environment | ||
getArgs | get input arguments as [String] | |
getProgName | get program name | |
System.Random | ||
random gen | takes a RandomGen and returns (Random, RandomGen) | |
randoms gen | takes gen and returns infinite sequence of values | |
randomR (l,u) gen | same as random but takes (lower,upper) bounds | |
getSdtGen | returns RandomGen as IO action from OS | |
Data.Bytestring | no lazynes, no promisses(thunks), just a string of bytes | |
pack xs | pack values into Bytestring | |
unpack b | unpack bytestring b | |
fromChunks b | take Bytestring and convert it into a lazy Bytestring | |
cons x b | x:b, will create a new chunk everytime | |
cons’ x b | x:b, will not create a new chunk everytime | |
head, tail, map, … | ||
readFile file | same as System.IO but will return IO Bytestring | |
Data.Bytestring.Lazy | same as Data.Bytestring | storage in chunks of 64K |
toChunks b | turn lazy Bytestring into Bytestring | |
Control.Applicative | adds typeclass Applicative | |
pure x | needed for <*> | |
f <*> x | pure (+) <*> [1,2,3] <*> [100,200,300] = [101,201,301,201,202,…] | |
f <$> xs | fmap f xs | |
ZipList xs | (+) <$> ZipList [1,2,3] <*> ZipList [100,200,300] = [101, 202, 303] {FIXME: TODO!!!} | |
getZipList xs | show ZipList | |
liftA2 f x t | like <*> with extra argument | |
Data.Monoid | adds typeclass Monoid | |
mappend x y | takes two monoids and returns a third (*, ++, -, …) | |
mempty | represents identity value for a monoid (1, [], 0, …) | |
mconcat xs | takes a list of monoids and applies mappend between all elements | |
Data.Foldable | ||
foldMap f x | map function f (that returns monoid) over foldable structure x and returns single monoid | |
foldr … | like normal foldr but takes Foldable instead of a list (free when implementing foldMap) | |
Control.Monad | adds typeclass Monad | |
x >>= f | extracts value from x and applies it to f, returns that using x’s context | |
x >> y | for Maybe: returns Nothing, if x or y = Nothing else returns y | |
fail | has to be described when creating an instance: fail value | |
guard f x | only let values x through that satisfy f | |
liftM f m | like fmap for monads | |
liftM2,…,liftM5 | like liftM for more values | |
ap mf m | like <*>, but the function is wrapped in a monad | |
join mma | flattens a Monadic value wrapped inside of Monad(s) | |
filterM f xs | like filter but f returns a Monad | |
foldM f 0 xs | like foldl but f returns a Monad | |
<=< | like (.) for Monads | |
Control.Monad.Writer | adds type Writer (used for logging) | |
Writer (x, xs) | create a Writer with value x and message xs | |
runWriter x | unpack Writer into tuple | |
tell xs | add xs to current Writer | |
Control.Monad.Instances | ||
-> | ||
Control.Monad.State | adds type MonadState | |
get s | takes State s and presents it as a result | |
Control.Monad.Error | adds type Either (Left/Right) = (Failure/Success). Have to be in Error typeclass | |
Data.Rational | adds type Rational: numerator % denominator |