First of all make sure that your machine has the following installed requirements, before proceeding:
- Git (call in shell command line):
sudo apt-get install git
- Build-Essentials (call in shell command line):
sudo apt-get install build-essential
- CMake (preferably version 3.0.2) or call in shell command line:
sudo apt-get install cmake-gui
You should build and install TerraLib package required by TerraMA², according to the link below:
1.1. Open the shell command line.
1.2. Make a new folder to host TerraMA² source code:
mkdir -p /home/USER/mydevel/terrama2/codebase
1.3. Change the current directory to that new folder:
cd /home/USER/mydevel/terrama2/codebase
1.4. Make a local copy of TerraMA² repository:
git clone .
1.5. Then change to the branch you want to build, if necessary:
git checkout -b master origin/master
We will assume that the codebase (all the source tree) is located at: /home/USER/mydevel/terrama2/codebase
To compile TerraMA² from a fresh git clone you'll need:
- libcurl3-dev
- libpython2.7-dev
- libproj-dev
- libgeos++-dev
- libxerces-c-dev
- screen
- postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1
All can be installed with the command:
Ubuntu 14.04
sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3-dev libpython2.7-dev libproj-dev libgeos++-dev libxerces-c-dev screen postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1
Ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3-dev libpython2.7-dev libproj-dev libgeos++-dev libxerces-c-dev screen postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.2
We also need the VMime and Quazip library, as the ubuntu version is outdated we should use the VMime source version and the Quazip source version.
The NodeJs can be installed with the commands:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
After choosing the right branch or tag to work on, make sure you have all the third-party library dependencies needed before trying to build TerraMA².
The build/cmake
folder contains a CMake project for building TerraMA².
You should use at least CMake version 2.8.12. Older versions than this may not work properly.
1.1. Open a Command Prompt (Shell).
1.2. Create a folder out of the TerraMA² source tree to generate the build system, for example:
cd /home/USER/mydevel/terrama2
mkdir build-release
cd build-release
Note: for the sake of simplicity create this directory in the same level as the source tree (as showned above).
1.3. For Linux systems you must choose the build configuration:
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="Release" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="/home/USER/myinstall/terrama2" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:PATH="/home/USER/mylibs;/home/USER/mylibs/terralib5/lib/cmake" ../codebase/build/cmake
1.4. Building (with 4 process in parallel):
make -j 4
1.5. Installing:
make install
1.6. Uninstalling:
make uninstall
- Some Linux flavours with different versions of GNU gcc and Boost will need more parameters such as:
- Boost can also be indicated by BOOST_INCLUDEDIR:
- The parameter -lpthread must be informed only if your Boost was not built as a shared library:
- For building with Qt5 you can provide the Qt5_DIR variable as:
- For generating a debug version set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE as:
1.1 Change the current directory to that folder:
cd /home/USER/mydevel/terrama2/codebase/packages/deb-package
1.2. In the shell command line, call the script to build and generate automatically the TerraMA² package:
Note: the script will assume that you installed terralib (and dependencies) at /opt/terralib/5.3.3
1.3. When finished the generated package will be located in the build-package
folder in the same directory as your codebase.
1.4. To install TerraMA² debian package in the shell command line change the current directory to the build-package
folder and run the following command:
sudo dpkg -i TerraMA2-4.0.8-release-linux-x64-Ubuntu-16.04.deb
- For Linux, you can set the following variable:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/USER/mylibs/lib
- If you want to use
on Linux you can install it through the following command:
sudo apt-get install qtcreator
When using QtCreator
use the CodeBlock Generator to avoid conflicts:
cmake -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles"...
Any problem should be reported to [email protected]
For more information on TerraMA², please, visit its main web page at: