- Propositions are composable using all operations available in first-order logic.
- When propositions fail, care is taken to provide enough information to comprehend why, quickly. This is a goal even when the proposition is the composite of many underlying propositions of which, only a few failed.
- Individual propositions can written to provide specialised info about why they fail, when they fail.
This property checks that each number in a list is even, divisible by 3 and divisible by 5:
val even = Prop.test[Int]("even", _ % 2 == 0)
val div3 = Prop.test[Int]("div3", _ % 3 == 0)
val div5 = Prop.test[Int]("div5", _ % 5 == 0)
val prop = (even & div3 & div5).forallF[List] rename "Example"
This is a sample failure report:
Property [Example] failed.
Input: [List(15, 30, 60, 25)].
Root causes:
2 failed axioms, 2 causes of failure.
├─ even
│ ├─ Invalid input [15]
│ └─ Invalid input [25]
└─ div3
└─ Invalid input [25]
Failure tree:
└─ (even ∧ div3 ∧ div5)
├─ even
└─ div3
In cases where we can't encode constraints using types, we generally write property-based tests. Just as the compiler cannot prove these constraints, nor can it prove that we've written data generators that will cover all cases. Thus as an additional safety check I like to validate the assumed laws at runtime using real data. I (may) also want these checks omitted from production code so as not to impact performance. Nyaya covers these scenarios.
- Use the same code to validate real data at runtime, and test with random data in unit tests.
- Runtime validation can be removed by specifying a scalac flag
object MyProps {
val foo: Prop[Foo] = ...
case class Foo(a: Int, b: String) {
import nyaya.prop._
this assertSatisfies MyProps.foo
Simply import nyaya.gen.Gen
and follow the API.
Combinators are all in Gen
instances and the companion object.
Type to generate | Constraints | Expression |
String |
None. | Gen.string |
String |
Length between 4 and 12. | Gen.string(4 to 12) |
String |
Exactly 6 chars, A-Za-z0-9. | Gen.alphaNumeric.string(6) |
List[Int] |
None. | Gen.int.list |
List[Int] |
Non-empty. | Gen.int.list1 |
List[Int] |
Max 8 elements. | Gen.int.list(0 to 8) |
Set[Int] |
Each element ≥ 0. | Gen.positiveInt.set |
Map[Int, Option[Boolean]] |
None. | Gen.int.mapTo(Gen.boolean.option) |
Map[Int, Option[Boolean]] |
≤ 4 entries. | Gen.int.mapTo(Gen.boolean.option)(0 to 4) |
Map[String, Set[Int]] |
≤ 4 elements per set. ≤ 10 map entries. |
Gen.int.set(0 to 4).mapBy(Gen.string)(0 to 10) |
Note: Gen
does not contain a .suchThat
or .filter
Don't generate data just to throw it away. Instead, write an accurate generator.
There are better ways than throw-away-retry.
Add the nyaya-gen-circe
module as a dependency and then:
import io.circe.Json
import nyaya.gen.circe.GenJson
// Generate JSON with a maximum depth of 4
val json: Json =
Say we have these data types
case class Id(value: Int)
case class Blah(ids: Set[Id], prevCoord: Option[(Double, Double, Double)])
Generators for each are:
val id: Gen[Id] =
Gen.positiveInt map Id
// Using for-comprehension
val blah: Gen[Blah] =
for {
ids <- id.set
prevCoord <- Gen.double.triple.option
} yield Blah(ids, prevCoord)
// Quicker
val blah: Gen[Blah] =
Gen.apply2(Blah)(id.set, Gen.double.triple.option)
- Different settings for JVM/JS. By default…
- JVM tests are large in quantity and data size, and they run in parallel.
- JS tests are smaller in quantity and data size, and run on a single-thread.
- Settings can be configured per-test or per-module if required. (Here, implicits are used for the
.) - A debug-mode is available in
to display verbose info about the testing and data-generation. It also has a nice little max line length so the output remains comprehensible. And it's in colour. Whoa!....
val gen : Gen[A] = ...
val prop: Prop[A] = ...
import nyaya.test.PropTest._
gen mustSatisfy prop // Method 1
prop mustBeSatisfiedBy gen // Method 2
This is where things may start to differ from what you're used to... What happens when your proposition needs a little extra data just for testing? Wouldn't that require type gymnastics for composition? Yes. But there's another way...
When writing a suite of propositions to test behaviour, there are often many props with similar inputs. The strategy
thus far has been to create a context (class) in which an iteration of random data has been generated (supplied via
class constructor), and then test within that context.
So instead of composing Prop[Set[A]]
with Prop[(Set[A],A,A)]
(which needs two As just for testing),
you instead create a context class like class SetTest[A](s: Set[A], a1: A, a2: A)
and within that
use Eval
instead of Prop
, the difference being that Eval
is evaluated immediately and doesn't need input later.
has all the same logic operations that Prop
has; implication, negation, forall, etc.
A nice benefit of this approach is that your data generators do less work. If you're testing 2 string props:
(s: String) => s.reverse.reverse == s
(a: String, b: String) => (a + b).length == a.length + b.length
then you gain nothing by ensuring that the reverse test gets a string different than a
or b
. It's more efficient to generate two strings and pick one to use for the reverse test.
See MultimapTest.scala for a real example.
You can prove a proposition by testing it with all possible, or legal values.
exists for this purpose and should be used in place of Gen
// This is (the type of) proposition we want to prove
val prop: Prop[Option[Boolean]] = ...
// There are three possibilities: None, Some(false), Some(true)
// Establishing all possible values is easy
val domain: Prop[Option[Boolean]] =
import nyaya.test.PropTest._
domain mustProve prop // Method 1
prop mustBeProvedBy domain // Method 2
Validation is the easy part. Just use Prop.distinct
case class Thing(id: Int, name: String)
case class AllThings(timestamp: Long, things: List[Thing])
val p: Prop[AllThings] = Prop.distinct("thing IDs", (_: AllThings).things.map(_.id))
Generation is normally much harder but with Nyaya, hopefully you'll find it easy. I sure do!
There is a class called Distinct
that will ensure generated data is unique, usually with just a few combinators. I'll introduce it first by showing a few examples, with an explanation after.
// Let's start with something trivial: uniqueness in a List[Int]
val d = Distinct.int.lift[List]
val g = Gen.int.list.map(d.run)
// How about people with unique names
case class Person(id: Long, name: String)
val g = Gen.apply2(Person)(Gen.long, Gen.string1)
val d = Distinct.str.contramap[Person](_.name, (person, newName) => person.copy(name = newName))
g map d.run
// The whole (a,b)=>a.copy(b=b) thing gets old after a while
// Let's use Monocle to create lenses!
case class Person(id: Long, name: String)
// Now let's generate a List[Person] with unique ids and names
val personGen = Gen.apply2(Person)(Gen.long, Gen.string1)
val distinctId = Distinct.long.at(Person.id)
val distinctName = Distinct.str.at(Person.name)
val d = (distinctId * distinctName).lift[List]
val g: Gen[List[Person]] = personGen.list map d.run
It works by knowing how to provide a unique value when a duplicate is found, the behaviour of which is provided by Distinct.Fixer
. Once a Fixer
exists, it is then passed to a Distinct
which is used for type navigation and composition.
Uniqueness doesn't have to be restricted to a single field; it can extend across multiple fields in multiple types. This is an example:
// Say we have these types...
import monocle.macros.Lenses
case class Id(value: Long)
case class Donkey(id: Id, name: String)
case class Horse (id: Id, happy: Boolean)
case class Farm(ds: List[Donkey], hs: Vector[Horse])
// Now say we want to prevent duplicate IDs between the donkeys and horses in Farm
// No duplicate IDs in Farm is acheived thus:
val distinctId = Distinct.flong.xmap(Id)(_.value).distinct
val distinctDonkey = distinctId.at(Donkey.id)
val distinctHorse = distinctId.at(Horse.id)
val distinctFarm = distinctDonkey.lift[List].at(Farm.ds) +
val farmGen : Gen[Farm] = ...
val farmGen2: Gen[Farm] = farmGen map distinctFarm.run
- Set membership tests. All give detailed info on failure.
- Test that all members are on a whitelist.Prop.blacklist
- Test that no members are on a blacklist.Prop.allPresent
- Test that no required items are missing.
- Easily detect cycles in recursive data.- Directed graphs.
- Undirected graphs.