Releases: jaredwray/writr
Releases · jaredwray/writr
Ecto Upgrade
v1.5.2 upgrade to latest ecto
Ecto and Module Updates
v1.5.1 dependency update
Migration to Ecto
Migration to the Ecto template engine to support EJS, Markdown, Pug, Nunjucks, Mustache, and Handlebars! Read more here:
January 2021 Maintenance
Upgrade of types and node modules commander and parse-json
Updating Modules and Tests for 2021
v1.0.1 Updates to modules and tests
Outdated Package Updates Released and Published
Updated the following packages:
- cherrio to latest
- @types/node to latest
- @types/fs-extra to latest
Package Upgrades
Monthly maintenance and upgrades to Writr.
- @types/express-serve-static-core -> 4.17.17
- @types/fs-extra -> 9.0.5
- @types/markdown-it -> 12.0.0
- @types/mocha (REMOVED)
- @types/node -> 14.14.14
- commander -> 6.2.1
- markdown-it -> 12.0.4
- ts-node -> 9.1.1
- typescript -> 4.1.3