Several in the community publish their solar production data to, a free service for publicly sharing and comparing PV output data. Since this Powerwall-Dashboard project stores all energy production data, it is relatively easy to pull this out of the dashboard and publish it to PVoutput on a one-time or regular basis.
This script, will help pull and publish the relevant energy data to
To use the script:
- Sign up at to get an API KEY - update the settings in the script with your API_SYSTEM_ID and API_KEY.
- Update the INFLUXDB_HOST in the script to the address of your Dashboard host (default = localhost) and INFLUXDB_TZ to your timezone.
- Install the InfluxDB module and run the script:
# Install required python modules
pip install influxdb
# Run the script
It will run an interactive mode:
Select Custom Date Range
- Enter start day (YYYY-mm-dd): 2022-06-20
- Enter end date (YYYY-mm-dd): 2022-06-26
Sending Solar Data [2022-06-20 to 2022-06-27]
2022-06-20: Generated = 49256 - Exported = 9067 - Consumed = 43501 - Imported = 2455 - Published
2022-06-21: Generated = 49543 - Exported = 8386 - Consumed = 47026 - Imported = 7581 - Published
2022-06-22: Generated = 39698 - Exported = 243 - Consumed = 46923 - Imported = 9212 - Published
2022-06-23: Generated = 47508 - Exported = 127 - Consumed = 58052 - Imported = 12342 - Published
2022-06-24: Generated = 48716 - Exported = 4474 - Consumed = 51203 - Imported = 8881 - Published
2022-06-25: Generated = 49506 - Exported = 5609 - Consumed = 51118 - Imported = 9041 - Published
2022-06-26: Generated = 48904 - Exported = 1083 - Consumed = 54617 - Imported = 8280 - Published
You can also add it to a daily cronjob by specifying a optional parameter: 'yesterday' or 'today'.
# Pull and publish yesterdays data
python3 yesterday
# Pull and publish todays data so far
python3 today
I used this script to import of all the data since my system was installed. Keep in mind that PVoutput has a rate limit of 60 updates per hour so be careful. If you are only updating once a day, this shouldn't be a problem. I donated to help their cause which also increase my rate limit. That was useful while I developed this script.
You can see my published data here: