diff --git a/rhel7_devel.yml b/rhel7_devel.yml index 723f949..7a15a9f 100644 --- a/rhel7_devel.yml +++ b/rhel7_devel.yml @@ -2,114 +2,22 @@ name: rhel7_devel channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - - alembic - - bmad - - bayesian-optimization - - black - - blosc - - bokeh - - botorch - - caproto - - cothread - - cx_oracle - - dask - - dateparser - - deap - - dm-tree - - epics-base - - epicscorelibs - - google-api-python-client - - google-auth-httplib2 - - google-auth-oauthlib - - gpflow - - gpy - - greenlet - - h5py - - hdf5 - - holoviews - - impact-t - - ipython - - ipywidgets - - jinja2 - - jupyter - - jupyterlab - - kafka-python - - keras - - lume-epics - - lume-impact - - matplotlib - - mkdocs - - mkdocstrings - - mkdocs-material - - mkdocs-jupyter - - mock - - mpi - - mpi4py - - multiset - - notebook - - numexpr - - numpy - - openmpi - - openpmd-beamphysics - - pandas - - panel - - pcaspy - - pip - - pint - - prefect=2.14.2 - - pyarrow>=10.0.1 - - pydantic>2.3 - - pydm - - pyepics - - pynput - - pyqt - - pyqtgraph - - pyqtwebengine - - pytao - - pytest - - pytest-benchmark - - pytest-qt - python=3.11 - - pytorch - - pytz - - pyzmq - - qtpy - - requests - - scikit-learn - - scikit-image - - scipy>=1.10.1 - - seaborn - - six - - sqlite - - sqlalchemy - - pytables + - botorch - tensorflow - - tensorflow-probability - - theano - - treelib + - pandas>=2.0.1 + - numpy>=1.21.2 + - keras==3.1.1 + - mlflow==2.11.3 + - boto3==1.34.65 + - psycopg2-binary + - k2eg==0.2.7 + - psutil==5.9.8 + - colorlog==6.8.2 + - pyepics - pip: - - Cheetah3 - - ipaddress - - matlab-wrapper - - opencv-contrib-python - p4p - - slac-alarm-manager - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/Badger - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/edef - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/edlgenerator - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/edmbutton - - git+https://github.com/dylanmkennedy/emitopt - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/lcls-live - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/lcls-tools - git+https://github.com/slaclab/lume-model - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/meme - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/mps_database - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/mps_history - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/pyca - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/PyEmittance - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/slacepics - - git+https://github.com/slaclab/subprocessca - - git+https://github.com/ChristopherMayes/Xopt # # Stuff that isn't on PyPI or GitHub that is manually installed in prod # epics-batch-get